The Why Not Q Tour Stop #5 – Honoring the Fallen @ The General

The 5th stop on the Why Not Q tour rolled into The General this morning.  How fitting to start the memorial day weekend with an aptly named AO and a tribute to some of the fallen hero's.  A farily large group gathered for the Standard – we had the Cheetahs and the not so Cheetahs go for 2.5 miles to get the engines (and mouths) going,  When we return a rather larger number of PAX were gathering in the gloom looking for direction – 24 to be exact. 

to my utter shock and amazement, there was Special Sauce and his running partner BagBoy – havent seen these two together at the same place in a very long time – but twice in one week is almost too much.  Ha!  The first two tour stops this week were repeato workouts, I changed it up at Hollywood and then again at Wilderness yesterday.  So keeping this pattern going, I planned something a little special for the special AO – a tribute to some of our fallen heros! 

After a liesurely stroll aroud the parking lot – interrupted by a very important Fledge to the Flag, we circled up for a little more warm-up



Seal Claps

Cotton Pickers

Then the PAX counted off by 9's and instructions were given


Placed along the parking lot were pictures and a little bio of a fallen hero – in this case Navy Seals.  We opted for a Shotgun start and the PAX were dispersed to their respective starting station.  Note – as I have learned over the last 3 years, you need to keep it fairly simple for the PAX, so the instructions were as follows:

You will execute listed exercises representing the Month, Day and Year of the fallen heros death. 

Month = Mericans

Day = Jump Squats

Year = Burpees

EXAMPLE:  DOD = 11/5/12 –> Mericans x 11, Jump Squats x 5, Burpees x 12

When complete, Front Lean and Rest until instructed to move to the next station – that simple!  There were 9 stations in all and needless to say a lot of Burpees were completed.  A small price to pay in my opinion.

When all groups had completed all 9 fallen hero stations, BagBoy started a mutiny for Mary – but YHC said thanks and quickly took back control of the PAX


  1. I am tired!  lots of work this week running and boot camps.  Probably will do it again though next year
  2. Magnus strolled in 15-min late for class, but had a good samaritan note trying to help a 17-year old who decided it was ok to park his car on the neighbors lawn – good work!
  3. Love the complaints this morning – that mumblechatter gets me fired up and makes me want to go out and do it all over again – who's with me?
  4. Note to Blackbeard, The Scorch is not listed in the PAX drop down


I have served (Army 5-years) and I am sure that many other PAX have as well – this weekend, take the time to say thank you to a vet – many americans forget that people who have served post-Vietnam were not drafted to serve, we freely chose to serve something much bigger than ourselves – and similarly this sense of service is a cornerstone of F3.  If you dont know a vet, then raise your glass sometime this weekend and thank them anyway – I know I will

The FINAL stop on the Why Not Q tour rolls into Excelsior tomorrow at 0600 (Richard Berry Park) – not sure what I got up my sleeve, but it should be fun!!
