Memorial Day Murph Convergence at Field of Flags

Race City converged at a single AO this Monday to give tribute to our fallen heros Pax assembled on this solemn day to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice to preserve our freedom. Lear led the pax in the Pledge of Allegiance then we began the Murph The Thang Mosey to the YMCA track for the first mile run consisting of two laps around the track and the display of memorial flags set up on the fields. Assembled at the playground for 10 sets of exercises. Each set consisting of 10 pull-ups OYO, 20 'Mericans IC, 30 squats IC. Due to the sizeable group we split into 2 groups to alternate pull-ups and 'Mericans; reassembling for squats each round. After some confusion by certain unnamed pax about what set we were on, everyone completed the 10, including a one armed Crack. Then ran two more laps on track for the closing mile as set-up for the ceremony was beginning. Re-assembled for COT as Contra took us out with his usually inspirational message on this day. Moleskin Rentacop, there was a pre-blast yesterday, though YHC is now puzzled why you cared either way. Great to see a good mix of young and old present.Cable was there but not in pax list. Nice work. It truly was an honor to lead this group of men in a workout honoring a great American, and all our heros. P.S. YHC returned post coffeteria to attend the Field of Flags ceremony. It was very heartfelt and worth attending in the future to remember this day is not about grilling out or chilling out but recognizing our freedoms come at a price.