
8 men of the Mountain Island Militia appeared despite an ominous warning of burpees.

Warmorama: Run!  Eventually we did: SSH x 25, TS x 15, IST x 15, Tae-bo Stretch (Kevlar special!)

Jack Webb (ladder 1 to 11, Mericans, Air Presses)

The Main Event:  BurpeeBall! : Think kickball, but with 1 burpee at each base.  5 burpees to the team for each out.

Post Game Show: the trash talking continued… 


  • Grip has tender nipples:  The kickball had enough stingy-ness to keep Grip catching with long arms or waiting for the right bounce.  The right protection is always key.
  • Double double is quitting his actuarian career:  Coming out of the numerical shell was a foot that would crush meer mortal ballers.   This hidden aptitude has to be utilized for a professional kickball league.  Double Double will be available to sign his Wheaties box in a coming workout.
  • Kevlar is ready for payback. With an early specatular double play, Kevlar was caught midflight for second base out.  He was ready to reciprocate the payback at every opportunity.
  • Ginsu is unofficially a Canadien.  Ginsu rolled in with Ontario plates on the car; all part of his international mystic. 
  • Always look to home, great advise for burpeeball and life in general.
  • Great fun work today!  Always an honor to lead a great group of men.