Yes, this is an actual Davidson Backblast…

Eight Davidson and LKN Pax posted for the Tuesday 5:15 AES.  It was 71 and humid.  After a quick burpee warmup, with standard exercises and ascending burpee repss, we headed to the Christian School pull-up bars for 5 rounds of the following:

Five Rounds:

5 burpees,

10 pullups, run to middle blacktop,

15 pushups, run to trailer,

20 squats, run to upper blacktop, 

25 big baby crunches

Then we ran to DUMC for Pavers:

Paver Stacked Workout (reps in cadence):

10 Paver Curls, run to dumpster

10 paver curls, 10 skull crushers, run to dumpster

10 paver curls, 10 skull Crushers, 10 Bent-Over Rows, run to dumpster

10 paver curls, 10 skull Crushers, 10 Bent-Over Rows, 5 burpees

10 paver curls, 10 skull crushers, 10  Lat Pull-overs, 10 Bench Press, 5 Burpees

Run back to Green.

COT: Keep Canuck's friend in your prayers and keep Spackle in your prayers.


Bag Boy Larry Birded YHC on the Pull-up Bar Cycle.  Nice work…Respect!

Special Sauce claimed he would be heckling me the whole workout but he stayed quiet instead. Let me off the hook.

Riptide stayed up for the Cavs loss but still made it out for the AES.  Maybe Next Year, Riptide, if they get Paul George.

Good work by all.  Great to be back at the AES!