Choosing the Harder Thing

Event Date

Jun 16, 2017

FNG1 is Stitches, great to see you stay during the whole workout 🙂

Warm Up

25 x SSH IC

Parking Lot Lap back to launch pad #TiresArentFunForEveryoneToFlip

The Thang – Choose the Harder Thing

Pick a bell, Any Bell – Bertha KB thrown into mix at various points because we CTHT – We rotate through the KBs after each exercise

15x curls OYO Each side

15x KB skull crushers IC

30 x KB Swings OYO

15x KB Copperhead Squats IC

15x KB Sidewinder OYO

15x KB squat curls IC

15x KB Russian twist IC

15 x Rock Press IC

15 x KB Merkins OYO

15 x KB Lunges IC

So at this point we begin going around the horn allowing everyone to select the exercise

Not an exhaustive list but definitely exhaustive

Exercises were typically performed as 15 IC


One arm swings with hand off

Figure 8’s

One-hand on KB Merkins

Lawn mower pulls each side

Around the body

 ETC ETC … A few 10 counts thrown in as we combined cardio with KB with the break neck pace



25 x LBCs IC

25 x Reverse crunches IC #ouchie

10 x Low Dolly IC

10 x Low Flutters IC

10 x WWI or WW2 #OpenToInterpretation

10x IC Dolly Partons



Matthew 7:13-14

13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Related back to a song by Avett Brothers that I’d heard the night before



  • Good turnout for KBs with a few regulars DR

  • Solid effort by all and definitely a sweat fest #spent. At various points offered options of what’s next and seemed we always CTHT … NICE

  • Didn’t come prepared to Q as I didn’t deduce that I’d be who remains that typically Qs KBs. No worries found a weinke in the car for rock exercises that was used.