We worked out

16 hard-chargers (Clausen not on site yet) sallied forth in humid gloom to see about making men on Monday.  We succeeded in proving manliness by the following amazing feats:

Front leaning rest for muster, instruction, inspection

Bell presses whilst we ambulated over to the CoP

20 x ssh

15 x windmill

15 x IST

1 min invisible jump rope

Kettlebell work included, but perhaps was not limited to, many reps of the following favorites :

Overhead presses, single arm overhead presses, single arm curls, two-arm curls, skull crushers, upright rows, lawn mower starts both sides, goblet squats, sumo squats, lunge walking, etc.

We did cardio laps, followed by mental toughness laps, and we even did a "prepare for the unexpected lap"

We also did Bell Webb ladder, stretched a bit, and just a few Americans. 



All in all there was much huffing, puffing, bicep gazing and even some nostril flaring.

Uncle Rico's kettle bell is silvery and spectacular.  Like something Thor might receive from outer space.

Luckily the weather was cool and crisp like a nice fall morning, otherwise we may have sweated too much.

Prayers offered for various intentions.

Good morning shipmates.  Have a great week.  ISI aye.