Eight of planet earth’s finest specimens made it out on a very humid morning to, among other things, 1) decompose and solve the MILF3 formula, 2) get their collective cube (3) on, and 3) embrace the collective spirit of adventure and camaraderie with all who assembled. Here's just what happened, but let's keep it on the down low.


A variety of dynamic stretching exercises

The Thang

Man in the Middle. Was also known and referred to as Monkey in the middle and MILF in the middle

Three groups: One on either side of parking lot approximately 40 yards apart.  One group is the "man in the middle".  Continuous exercise on either side, the "man in the middle" group runs to relieve that team on the exercise.  That group then becomes the man in the middle, and then relieves the other side.  Continue for 6-7 minutes. 

The rounds were:

  • Mericans – Squats

  • Burpees – LBCs

  • Lunges – Mt. Climbers

  • Planks – CDD


Sampler pack across the Pax

  • 'Rax on, 'Rax off (windshield wipers) – Natty Lite

  • Can Opener – Pinky (the switching of the legs command was not a separate exercise)

  • LBC – Swamp Thing

  • J Lo – Arizona

  • WWII – Grip

  • Superman / Greatest American Hero – Knocked Up

  • Mason Twist – El Tigre


  • Knocked Up felt duped with the ‘ole bait and switch when he arrived to see no that no actual MILF's were in attendance

  • If saying each letter in M.I.L.F.3. is too much of a mouthful, we can always shorten it to Milf cubed.

  • Partnering with Pinky allowed Q to help perform some dream therapy.One dream was apparently a Harry Potter mash up, and another one had the distinct feeling of fearing for one’s life similar to an outtake from Deliverance. My advice was to watch different movies before bedtime

  • Your core is falling out Grip

  • “I'm starting with the man in the middle (mirror), I'm asking him to change his ways”

  • Last set of CDD seemed like cruel and unusual punishment

  • Murphy’s Law was in full effect with Father’s Day camping at Lake James

  • Alas, there was no guitar pick from El Tigre. Blame it on the slow Uber driver

  • Note to all boat mechanics. Don't liken the chances of a successful outcome of having your boat fixed to the chances of a successful outcome from visiting a doctor for a common cold, especially to a boat owner who happens to be an MD.

  • Pax recommendation is for Q to not wait to publish "The Natty Memoirs" posthumously.  

  • Double Double still has one left in the chamber for Thursday. Sounds a bit ominous

  • It's both an honor and a pleasure to lead this fine group of men