Hot Excelsior and River Rat 10k

Event Date

Jun 24, 2017

On the longest Saturday of the year, and very warm, we put in some quality mileage as follows:

0450:  Honeybee and YHC for a slow 1 mile warm-up through the Carrington Ridge neighborhood.

0500:  Joined by Tantrum (for a few miles) and Duvall, we did the "River Rat 10k".

0600:  Bid farewell to Tantrum and Duvall, joined by Megaphone we did some more mileage through Carrington Ridge again.  Mini Me found us about a mile in, which was great.

Shamelessly, it was almost all running for these workouts, with some Mary and stretching at the end.  We covered 11.18 miles across all of this, Garmin link below:


  1. Thank you for everyone that came out despite the heat.  Great 2nd F with everyone.
  2. Tantrum would later double down at his BRR team run, Duvall would double down in TPRoD, Mini Me stayed for The Estate.  And fairly certain if YHC invited Honey Bee out at 0430, he would have showed up for that too!  Strong work everyone.
  3. Megaphone said he was "pressured" into getting back out into the gloom by Snake Eyes.  Nicely done!

Great job men!