KettleBell Tater pickin at DragonSlayer

Event Date

Jun 29, 2017

Welcome FNG Matt and Red Rider also in attendance, but not on website

Mosey around the church – stop and do one of the exercises below at each corner




The Thang:

10 KB Taters ( KB swing into a position to do a squat to overhead press with the bell)

Run about 100 yards to hell’s assent and run up the hill and come down to bottom of hill

Do 10 hand release merkins at bottom of hill

Run back to KB’s

10 KB Swings

Run to top of Hell’s assent and back down

10 Burpees at bottom of hill

Run back to KB’s

Continue this and go up by 2 reps each round to 16 total, but Burpees only go up by 1 rep to 13.  

***We did 5 rounds with the last one back to 10 count of each to save some time.

10 curls IC

10 Bent over rows

Run to Hells Assent

12 Rocky B’s IC

3 burpees

15 Rocky B’s IC

4 burpees

18 Rocky B’s iC

5 burpees

21 Rocky B’s IC

6 burpees

Run back to KB's

10 Curls IC

15 Low flutter with KB press IC

10 Up right row IC

Run to Hell's Assent

10 Man Merkin Mountain Climbers IC

Run back to KB's

Recover Recover



  • Thanks men for a good push through what I hope was a good workout for us all
  • Loved the new Kettlebell Tater, kind of like 3 exercises in 1.
  • enjoying the Thursday Dragaonslayer, seems the PAX show up and know it's going to be difficult and everyone pushes each other, great to see

A little sidenote about my 46 year old brother, Jeff (Pebbles) in Indy.  He works out a lot, in great shape, but last Tuesday while running a 3-4 mile mosey, he went down with Cardiac Arrest.  An older man (Angel number 1) stopped and got out of his car to help.  Another guy saw the car parked there (thought maybe that guy had hit my brother with his car) and got out as well and the oder man told him to call 911, which he did.  My brother was gasping for breath and then he went out and had no pulse.  The 911 operator walked Bill (now our 2nd Angel) through chest compresssions.  He did 30 and my brother gasped then fell out again.  He did 30 more and then the cop (Officer Lovett, our 3rd Angel) showed up within 2 minutes, and put the AED on his chest and it fired pretty quickly and brought his heart back to a beat.  9 days later, he is all fine, but is wearing a Defib vest until they can put in his subcutaneous difribulator in on August 7th.  The vest is frustating, but i hope he know's he's lucky to be wearing it! 

The EP and Cardiologist can find nothing wrong with him, which i know is frustrating as we don't have answers as to why this happened, only we are lucky it happened where it did and when it did.  Bill Schlies, the man who literally saved his life will always be remembered and honored any way we can.  He and Officer Lovett, true heros.

This has impacted me as I am already looking at life in a different light, remembering what's important and we sometimes forget.  His GP stared at him on Tuesday at an appt. and said, "you shouldn't be here, (only 5% of patients that suffer cardiac arrest outside of a hospital survive and they typically have brain damage), you are a walking miracle".  he went on and on about the fact that he should be dead.  It still hits home even writing this now.  He's a lucky man…. 

I wanted to send this out as a reminder to us all.  Life is precious, and can be taken away at any moment.  Let's not let the little things eat at us and take away the joy of each day that is a gift.  

Also would like to consider a CPR course for any PAX interested and hope to do this someday soon.  It's a skillset we should all know.

Truly honored and humbled to be a part of F3.  I see the response from the PAX during some terrible times for many of us.  I am blessed this did not happen to be one of them for our family, but know there are those out there not as fortunate.  Will never know why.

Till next time,
