Plus many other Davidsonites- some of whom I may have missed, others of whom are not yet "on the line"



Arm Circles

The Michael Phelps (slap yourself on the back). These are typically reserved for post workout, but in Davidson we congratulate ourselves before the workout, like a self pep talk

SSHs 20x IC

Toy Soldiers 10x IC

Imperial Walker / Storm Trooper 10x IC

Bam Bams to 7 – (1 pushup, hold position, then tuck knees to chest; 2 pushups, hold position, then tuck knees to chest twice, etc. all the way to 7) 



Pusher took a group on a circuitous route through Davidson, stopping along the way to look at some Visual Arts and various other finer things.

For those who chose the path of least resistance with YHC, here's what we did:

Mosey to Track

1 lap around track, then 40 merkins, 40 LBC’s, 40 Squats

Repeato x 5

Mosey down to grassy hill beyond track

Sprint 30 yards to base of hill

Bear crawl up hill

10 WW2 situps at top

Jog back down to start

10 burpees

Repeato x 2

Mosey back to the Green



Pretzel crunch 10x each side IC

Jane Fonda 10x each side IC

Hold Superman for 45 seconds





Two FNG’s named today, welcome Carlton and Rosie!! Carlton is a reference to The Fresh Prince, who EH’d Carlton, but did not post for his naming. Rosie is a reference to Rosie Ruiz, which I had to google: YHC learns something new every post, especially in Davidson

Duvall continues to avoid my workouts, claiming he needs rest. I continue to post to his workouts… also claiming I need rest ^J^ (In truth- the Deck of Pain was brutal, but fortunately you softened the blow with the candlelight breakfast that morning). Looking forward to playing some monopoly this weekend- don't hurt us!

YHC has been reading Freed to Lead (Thanks Ramrod), and reminded that excellence in fitness, as with everything else in life, is a matter of making a conscience commitment to show up, again and again, and give it your best. Not someone else's best, your best. Run your race, not your brother's race. Some days what we have to give is less than other days. Some days, rest is best. Give the best of what you have to give to yourself and others. We owe that to the One who has given us life. 

Each of us are running our own race, but we are running it together. Let's continue to be there for one another, and when we fall, pick each other up. I am thankful for the support of the brothers I get to run this race with- thank you for holding me accountable and pushing me, for praying for me through times of adversity, and celebrating victory together.