Epic Q Fail at Titan

11 PAX today on a not too hot day at Titan.  12 are listed above, as Tradition dictates we list both "Bouncehouse" and "Bouncey House"…oh wait only YHC does that…OCD issues?

Today marks a few interesting Milestones for YHC:

  • Turned 39 years old today
  • This is the start of my 100th week of F3
  • This was my 62nd post at Titan
  • This was my 14th Q at Titan

Mention the last 2 not to brag.  But rather, it would be really odd if one could manage to get lost at an AO one has posted at so often.  But that's precisely what happened today!  Here's roughly what went down.

0500:  YHC intended on a slow, 2 mile ish standard.  Set out with Amen, Frogger, Major Tom, and Tantrum.  Due to a water skiing incident, Tantrum had a sore achilles and had to cut the Standard short.  This would prove costly!  Thinking I knew where I was going, instead we hit dead end after dead end after dead end.  Asked Major Tom later how many we hit…he answered something like "Definitely less than half a dozen"…awesome.  We ended up with ~3.5 miles, and didn't get back to the AO until 5:40 ish…

0530:  Presumably everyone else was left wondering where the Q was.  I'm told there was a lap or 2 around the school.  Q fail.  Cobains!

0540 ish:  Major Tom and YHC arrive back at the start.  Frogger and Amen not there yet, so we set out on a short unsucessful search mission.  Disclaimer given:  "Clearly, I'm not a professional".  We did some warm up stuff along the way:  SSH x 15 IC, Soybean Farmers x 15 IC, and IST x 15 IC.  Eventually decided to go back to start ex, and boom, Frogger and Amen were there!

0545 ish?:  Finally, with all 11, we set off towards Mortimer Hill.  At this point, there was no faith in YHC and righfully so…about half the group decided to take a slightly different (and longer!) route to Mortimer Hill.  Why?!?

The Thing:

  • Run up Mortimer Hill
  • Run back to get the 6
  • Slow Deep Squats x 15 IC
  • Mericans x 10 IC
  • Run down the hill, 25 single count LBCs OYO
  • Run up Mortimer Hill
  • Run back to get the 6
  • Monkey Humpers x 15 IC
  • Mericans x 10 IC
  • Run back to the AO

Recover, recover.  According to Strava, we covered 7.7 miles in total including the standard, which means we covered roughly 4.2 miles during the main event.


  1. Cobains, will try to do better the next time.
  2. Appreciate everyone's patience.  Despite the dead ends, Amen, Frogger, and Major Tom powered through without complaints!
  3. Calypso was a beast today.  Tantrum said something like "he's really lost his winter weight" which sounded like a back-handed compliment to YHC.  Let's just say he was really fast today.
  4. Heal up that achilles Tantrum.
  5. Strong effort from Lawn Dart today, the man who EH'd YHC into this F3 thing around 100 weeks ago.  And speaking of Lawn Dart, he has the Q tomorrow at Fallout.  Guaranteed no-one will get lost!
  6. BEP and Mooch crushed it today but could not be bothered to do Monkey Humpers.  To quote Mooch:  "I'm in more of a management role in this".  Lol.
  7. Word on the street is Snake Eyes delivered a smoker at The Estate on Saturday.  Yet he showed up today and looked very speedy, well done.
  8. Bouncey, I was genuinely impressed with your effort today.  Mortimer Hill is no joke and you did not let up at all.  Appreciate you coming out today.

The cool thing about F3, even during an epic Q fail, everyone worked hard and gave it 100%.  Appreciate that very much bros.  Will try and do better the next time!
