10 at The Blender

Event Date

Jul 18, 2017

FNG-1 = Cheerleader

YHC was late due to MRC speed work at 0420, sorry for that gentlemen!  Mosey with bells to pull-up forest area

Warmorama – SHH x 20, Merkins x 20, Windmill x 20

The Thang – 15 Swings, 10 Clean & Press per arm, 10 Pull-Ups, 10 KB Squats, 5 Burpees  then partner up and farmer carry bells around field while partner runs.  Low Flutter x 20 

Repeato – swings, clean & press, pull ups, squats, burpees, farmer carry / run

LBC x 20

Repeato – swings, clean & press, pull ups, squats, burpees, farmer carry / run this time P1 runs opposite direction and meets up.

Circle up, quick prayer by Bunyan

Moleskin – ……. to be continued