The Ring of FIRE

15 pax for Hollywood including 2nd post FNG John Stanley forever known as Chubbs Peterson and 5 for standard KidRock, The Geek, Hall Monitor, Riverboat, Deep dish.

here's how it went

warm up: Mosey to parking lot for some High Knee, Kick butt, Carioca, mosey 

Circle up for more warm up. SSHx20, Windmill x15, Toy Soldier x15

Thang: RING OF FIRE. pax circle up, all pax do push up as many as you can, while pax does bear crawl around circle. p>Yeah, you’ll feel the fire. Just like The Count said”That’s TURRIBLE! Some curbside workout, pax line up and do foot speed aka Muhammad Ali (Indian run style) all pax ran three times. Shake those leg off.Mosey to parking deck. Partner up P1 duck walk while P2 run around parking deck catch up P1 then flip flop.Let’s do it again, wait. P1 do walking gecko push up aka Komodo dragon P2 run again to catch up P1. People’s Chair one minute, touch them heel x20, shoulder press x20Wall touch Merkins x15Mosey to front movie theaterAnother curbsibe. Pax line up to do dips (Indian run style thanks to Holiday)Let’s move to fountain area. P1 derkins x20, P2 LBC x20 repeato.Mosey to other side parking lotAll pax Sprint to the end of parking lot then run back. Repeato. Mary:Peter Parker x10, Parker Peter x10, Crunchy Frog x10, JLo x10, Monkey Humpers x10, LBC x10Moleskin:Solid work today men. Y’all really fast on Sprint. Including Chubbs. Keep coming back brother. Deepdish and Riverboat are ready for BRR. It’s gonna be fun.Mumble chatter was high. You know who you are. Special shout to The Count who EH me to F3 3 yrs ago.Always a pleasure to lead a amazing group of men. Thanks for the opportunity Holiday.