2 Year F3aversary

Not on the website:  Captain Shirley, Cheerleader

WD – Packer (56)

WB – Captain Shirley (30)

2 years later….

The Dragon Slayer is a KB workout and KB workout it would be.  As I rolled in with a few minutes to spare I saw Bam Bam getting the crowd ready to deliver an epic beat down.  Sorry to disappoint. I instructed the Pax to head to the back corner of the lot by “hells ascent”.  Our story went like this:


20 – SSH IC

10 – IST IC

10 – Cotton Pickers IC

10 – Windmills

The Thang:

All exercises were done IC unless noted. 

20 – ¾ KB swings OYO

20 – Full KB swings OYO

20 – Alternating KB Arm Swings (10 Each Arm) OYO


20 – Mason Twist with KB OYO

10 – Twisting Thrusters each side

20 – Thrusters OYO

15 – Skull Crushers


20 – V-ups w/ bell

10 – Single arm swings with lunge (Left Arm)

10 – Single arm swings with lunge (Right Arm)

20 – Torso swings with lunge


20 – LBC

20 – Bent over row IC

10 – Lawn Mower right hand IC

10 – Lawn Mower left hand IC


10 – WWII with KB

10 – Right arm snatches

10 – Left arm snatches

15 – Curls IC


20 – Low flutter IC

Mosey over to the hill for some ladder work.

Quadraphilia up the hill, 20 Mercans

Back down the hill, 5 KB Swings

Repeat-O, decreasing by 5 at the top and adding 5 at the bottom.

Line up along one end of the lot and sprint to the other for 15 Carolina Dry Dock.  Repeat and drop by 5 each time.

Recover, recover…


I didn’t know if I would make it to my 2 year F3aversary or not after dealing with a fast acting virus on Wednesday and the beat down from Bogey on Tuesday, but nothing short of death was going to keep me from Q’ing my 2 year anniversary.   Strong work by all today.  Bam Bam provided the tunes today since YHC forgot his.  As I asked him to play a good “station”, his go to is AC/DC, but for some reason he decided Michael Bolton or some other sensitive hits station would suffice.  I quickly realized the Pax were crying and talking about their feelings and wasn’t about to have that.  I made the executive decision to switch to Foo Fighters radio which was much appreciated from the Pax.  Bunyan, Bam Bam, Packer, and Springfield were all pushing the Pax on the laps.  Good to see the regulars at the slayer as usual.  Great to see King Fish out today.  I think he made a friend for life with Baxter.  Something about “treats” in his pocket.  I think there was a tiff between Bam Bam and Bandwagon on who was picking up who, but hopefully their differences can be ironed out.  Tommy Boy and Flo were doing their thing and sending out the regular mumble chatter.  Mostly directed to Bam Bam’s musical choice.  Well done fellas. 

Speaking of Flo, there is a golf outing to raise $ for kids in LKN area on August 14, so reach out to him for more info. 

There is Q school tomorrow at the General.  Come sharpen your skills or learn the trade so you can step up and lead. 

F3 has been such a special gift and am grateful every day for it.  Thank you all for coming out and pushing me.  Until next time, see you in da gloom…