No Dragon sighting, but dogs everywhere.

Event Date

Aug 03, 2017

(not in system:  Slim Jim, Cheerleader)

The weather is starting to warm up and bring the typical soupy gloom that we are used to at this time.  It was still mild enough to get in a solo "tour of GCC campus" standard for YHC.  I noticed that a security fence had been built around the cell tower, so had to come up with a new workout plan.  Original Weinke was everyone else does burpees until Bam Bam climbs to the top of the tower and yells "Can you hear me now?!"

As I finished the standard and revised the mental Weinke, cars started to pull in.  Out rolled a dirty dozen of NoCos finest along with 4! four-legged friends (maybe it was three but my vision was sweat=blurred and I was a little queasy by the end).  We did some stuff that hurt.


Pax ran around building while YHC set up an elaborate labrynth of cones (4 in a big rectangle, I will send diagram later for full understanding) 

25 SSH IC 

10 Hillbilly Walk

10 Non-GMO Free-Trade Organic Carrot Pullers

10 Windmills 

10 Magillas

Arm Circles


Pax line up and side shuffle from cone to cone (10 yards) touching ground at each side for a while

Pax line up and plank walk from cone to cone for a while

Pax line up and quadrophelia from cone to cone with jump twists for a while

HR up….let's keep it up


Partner up

Partner 1 runs to light post and back (maybe 60 yards each way?)

Partner 2 does burpees 

Flapjack until 100 burpees

Partner 1 runs to light post and back 

Partner 2 does KB swings

Flapjack until 200 KB swings

Partner 1 runs to light post and back 

Partner 2 does KB thrusters

Flapjack until 300  200  until legs turned to lava and Q audibles number of thrusters

YHC was beginning to lose form and noticed the same pattern across the line so time for a switch.  This was also opportunistic because I wanted to utilize the freshly fertilized hill (remember unconfirmed tally of mutts in attenance).

I've had dogs all my life and I'm pretty good at translating their expressions.

WARM UP:  Dogs "This is FUN.  Let's play with them!  Maybe trip a couple of them which is easy because they only have two legs"

APPETIZER:  Dogs  "Whoah, these guys have the zoomies.  I'm going to get out of the way and go poop on the hill."

THANG:  Dogs "I think my master is about to hurl.  I really hope he ate bacon for breakfast so I can have a taste." 

AUDIBLE:  Dogs "No freakin way…NO FREAKIN WAY.! These guys are gonna crawl ….through …our… POOP!  This is awesome!  hahahah! If my master ever calls me stupid again for eating a shoe I'm going to bite him to remind him of this."

So the audible was….

Partner One:  bear crawl up hill, crab walk down

Partner Two:  Al Gore while waiting

Flapjack for 3 rounds with Plank/Low Plank as stationary exercises in 2 and 3

We thankfully either avoided all land mines …orrrrr nobody admitted slipping in crap.



20 Cross Crunch IC (thanks Springy)

20 Burpees (dangit…I forgot to never ever call on Bunyan for a MARY exercise)

20 V-Ups (thanks Bam Bam)


  1. This marks the highest dog to human ratio I have seen at a post.  LOVE IT.  If my dog wasn't such a spaz I would bring him out too.  Glad they all get along.
  2. Always a pleasure to come out to GCC for Dragon Slayer.  A great nucleus of guys and saw some new faces as well.  
  3. Thanks for pushing me today BoarHog…the numbers worked in my head but my body wasn't sure it agreed so t was nice to have a buddy to hold me accountable for reps.
  4. BamBam and Bunyan y'all are beasts flinging around those boulders with handles.  There would be no shame in carrying a smaller side arm but you always seem to gut thriough it.  
  5. Keep Lego's dad and Creeper's sister in your prayers.

