3 amigos took on Emmaus

Event Date

Jul 28, 2017


YHC rolled into birkdale with minutes to spare to find a lonely Cornwallis waiting hoping he didn’t just miss the memo and the beatdown was happening as promised. We chat about whether to do the workout I had planned or audible. I’m thinking to myself “thank God I didn’t plan one of my partner workouts”, that would get real awkward real quick, not for us but the security guards that hang in birkdale at 530 in the morning. We were about to head out when we saw a land cruiser rolling up and a Fabio looking dude hopping out. Morning Red October! Determined to make ourselves and each other stronger this morning, we headed out.Stroll around the courtyard and circle up for Warmorama:All In CadenceSide straddle hops x 15Windmills x 10Cotton Pickers x 15Mt. Climbers x 20Mosey down to the parking deck by the theater.The thang:2 rounds of 3 movements where we did an exercise at the bottom of the ramp, traversed to the top and completed another exercise.20 Mericans, Bear Craw, 20 LBCS20 Squats, Quadriphilia, 20 V-ups20 Burpees, Lunge walk, 20 pickle poundersRepeato, 10 reps on round 2Mosey to the fountain20 Box Jumps OYO20 Incline Mericans IC20 Step-ups(10 each leg) OYO20 Decline Mericans20 Curb Kickers IC20 DipsRepeato 10 reps on Round 2Mosey back to the startMary:Low Flutter x 20 ICLow Dolly x 20 ICFreddy Mercury x 20 ICRECOVER RECOVERMoleskin:Nice to have a small group this morning, some nice chit chat, mainly about rucking and how we all hate burpees. Cornwallis, you’re a beast as always. Seeing you always reminds me of the good livin’ we did in Asheville!Red October, I’ve enjoyed getting to know you, looking forward to the BRR!Thanks to Jedi for the opportunity to lead, I told you I’d get you a backblast even though I knew it was going to be late! For anyone looking to build some 2nd and 3rd F, Emmaus is the place to be. Get a good beatdown and Great fellowship after. Still get home in time to make the M. Breakfast!! Til next time, Chapo