Wives Heart Muscles

Event Date

Aug 04, 2017


51 IC X SSH #1UpDandelion

15 IC x Cotton Pickers

10 IC x Imperial Squat Walkers

10 IC x diamond merkins

As we progress through the rounds we’ll keep a pattern followed by non-KB exercise. Alternated between 10 IC and 20 OYO not necessarily reflected

Round 1

20 x Curl Left

20 x Kettlebell Squat

20 x Kettlebell Dead Lift

20 x Kettlebell Plank

20 x Curl Right

10 x Dr Ws


Round 2

20 x KB One Arm Swing (Left Arm)

20 x KB Two Arm Swing

20 x KB Alternating Swings

20 x KB One Arm Swing (Right Arm)

10 x Burpees


Round 3

20 x Row left

20 x Skull Crusher

20 x Chest Press

20 x Row Right

10 IC x WTF merkins

Pax lets the Q know that he skipped Right curls earlier …. Guessing this was weighing heavily on their minds as all of a sudden Q was tagged teams 😛 #AccountabilityBooYaa


Round 4

20 x Around the Body Left ie counter clockwise #ThanksShortbus

20 x Air Press

20 x Sidewinder

20 x Around the Body right clockwise

20 x corn cob merkins


Boone Recommended

400M w/ KB

400M quadraphelia w/ KB

As we are maiing our way around the track I tell Boone this is like rucking to which he replies what's that #EHingClass14



10 IC x KB Russian Twists

10 IC x Superman flutters #Effective

10 IC x LBFC

10 IC x Box Cutter reverse it

10 IC x Tape it back up



James 1 2-4

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

Know that suffering will come and the bible and faith provide you the tools to grow and learn from experiences.



– Nice to pull in and see all the bells out greeting you #ItsTheLittleThings

– Look Both ways before entering the track #RookieMistake

– Bells aren’t for everyone but we have a solid core that continues to post for SchoolBellz each Friday #WivesLoveBiceps

– Lots of side chats today through the workout, #2ndF

– Open dates on calendar to lead KBs were pounced on #HIMs

– Nice turnout at or sister #NoOffense SVU AO this morning for the Fun Run. For those that didn't post to either this morning you were missed and expect to see you out tomorrow.