Sprinting in the Rain

Event Date

Aug 07, 2017

8 met this morning with a bit of welcome rain relief.

Warm Up:

10 Cotton Pickers IC
10 Mountain Climbers IC

Work Out:

Mosey to tennis courts
10 Merkins IC
75 Yards Karaoke R
Mosey to starting point
5 Merkins IC
75% Sprint for 75 Yards

15 WW1 OYO
75 Yards Karaoke L
Mosey to starting point
100% Sprint for 75 Yards

10 Merkins IC
75 Yards Quad (ra feel ee ah) up parking lot hill
Mosey to starting point
5 Merkins IC
75% Sprint for 75 Yards

15 WW1 OYO
75 Quad (ra feel ee ah) up parking lot hill
Mosey to starting point
5 Merkins IC
100% Sprint for 75 Yards

Mosey to Flag pole
10 Merkins IC
Bear crawl around flag pole circle-50 Yards
Mosey back to starting point
5 Merkins IC
75% Sprint around flag pole circle-50 Yards

Mosey to back bus parking lot
10 Merkins IC
75 Yards High Knees
5 Merkins IC
Mosey back to starting point
50% Sprint for 75 Yards

Mosey to back of school
15 WW1 OYO
50 Yards Lunge Walk
Mosey back to starting point
75% Sprint for 50 Yards

10 Merkins IC
50 Yards Jump Squats
Mosey back to starting point
5 Merkins IC
75% Sprint for 50 Yards

Mosey to baseball field hill
Mosey down the hill
10 Merkins IC
50 Yards Quad (ra feel ee ah) up baseball hill
Mosey down the hill
5 Merkins IC
100% Sprint up 50 Yard baseball hill

Mosey to workout starting point
15 WW1 OYO
Suggestion from Clark..15 additional WW1 OYO

Workout Summary:

2 Miles travelled (including 575 Yards of Sprints)
90 Merkins IC
75 WW1 OYO

Reflection:  Matthew 23:12..Whover exalts himself will be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. 




Moans/Groans throughout workout…apparantly nobody likes Bear Craws and Sprints
Light rain was a welcome relief when it happened
Discussion of Female Cross Fit games ensued with non-2.0 friendly conversations taking place (luckily no 2.0s present)