A 6-pack at Fallout

Event Date

Aug 08, 2017


Apologies for the late back blast – schedule was a bit nuts the last 24 hours.

After several tweets – several of us ahd done what we could to encourage Blackbeard to join us.  We showed up in the gloom and so did he – head lock accomplished.

Here's what we did – as best as I can remember…..


Short mosey – circle up/disclaimer

All the regulars – SSH, IST, Cotton Pickers, Mountain Climbers, Squats

Run a lap around the parking lot


?Even though the rain was holding off – we headed for the picnic tables under cover

A little bench work –

15 Alternating Step Ups OYO

10 Incline Mericans

10 Alternating Step Ups OYO

10 Incline Mericans

5 Alternating Step Ups OYO

10 Incline Mericans

Another lap around the parking lot

Grab a rock and head for the track

Bear Crawl while pushing your rock

Lunge Walk

Circle Up – Curls, Shoulder Press, Bent Over Rows, Skull Crushers, Reverse Curls

Bear Crawl while pushing your rock

Lunge Walk

Put 'em back

Head back to the track

Sprint the straigh-away ~100 yards

Head for the shelter – People's Chair With Air Press, Repeato

20 WW 2 Sit-ups

Back to the track – sprint back to whence we came

Partner Up

Partner 1 Bear Crawl, Partner 2 Burpees (3) than catch your partner

Repeato – Repeato

Last Sprint towards home


?Pretzel Crunch

Low Flutter

Dying Cockroach

Elbow Plank


?- This was a vocal group – a lot of fun.  Etch lead the counting all morning, which is really worth the price of admission.

– I probably won't be able to express what I was thinking – as I reflected about this group.  But here goes – – 6 fairly seasoned PAX.  We all know each other – all had past experiences with the rest.  But for some reason, some how – this was the group today.  We won't have this configuration, like this again.  That's what you get with F3.  You show up – and it's an adventure every time.  A uique dynamic.  It's one of the many cool things about F3.

– Thanks to T-bone for the chane to Q – this was partial payback for your Hollywood Q's.  You're always welcome.back.

– Reach out to your brothers.  Sometimes a few well placed tweets are the difference between posting and a fartsack.  #ISI


Blessed to be among you,

