No Running, No Burpees But A Whole Lot Of Sweat! MMM

Coming off the F3 Nation Dad Camp, my feet and legs were killing me.  I woke up…well never really even fell asleep, with the notion of texting Omega and pulling a Kumquat.  But, realizing the Pax were eagerly waiting my azz kicking with Das Boot, I punched my man card, sucked up the buttercup and made my way to the Gloom of Man Maker Monday.

Plant OST Shovel Flag.

Strap on Das Boot.

1 minute of pleasantries.

Go Time!

Warm O Rama

Bells held high to cover.

Pledge of Allegiance


SSH x15 IC

IST x10 IC

Toy Soldier x10 IC

Windmill x10 IC

Cotton Picker x10 IC

Arm Circles forward and backwards.


The Thang:

2 KB Swings OYO

Skull Crushers x10 IC

4 KB Swings OYO

Shoulder Press x10 IC

6 KB Swings OYO

Curl x10 IC

8 KB Swing IC

Squat x10 IC

10 KB Swings OYO

Forgot Exercise x10 IC

12KB Swings OYO

Lawn Mower x5 IC Each Arm

14 KB Swings Oyo

Upright Row x10 IC

16KB Swings OYO

1 Arm Snatch x5 each arm OYO

18 KB Swings OYO

Bent Over Row x10 IC

20 KB Swings OYO

Floor to Shelf x5 IC

20 second count which was more like a 10 second count

Skull Crushers x10 IC

18 KB Swings OYO

Shoulder Press x10 IC

16 KB Swings OYO

Curls x10 IC

14 KB Swings OYO

Squats x10 IC

12 KB Swings OYO

Lawn Mower x5 each arm IC

10 KB Swings

10 Second count

Upright Row x10 IC

8 KB Swings OYO

1 Arm Snatch x5 each arm OYO

6 KB Swings OYO

Bent Over Row x10 IC

4 KB Swings

Floor to shelf x5 IC

Skull Crushers x10 IC

2 KB Swings OYO

Chest Press x10 IC

Skull Crushers x10 IC

WW1 Situps with Bell IC

Russian Twist x10 IC



LBCs x10 IC

Low Flutter x10 IC

10 Merkins x10 IC

X’s and Oh No’s my count

Recover Recover

Peg Leg Moleskin

It has been a while since I had the keys to MMM.  Always holds a special place in my heart because this is where F3 started for me. 

There was no running and no burpees and Outlaw was actually happy…(2nd workout where I delivered zero in the way of burpees…just wait until my foot heals!?

Found out the secret to Omega’s success…bring Bailey, aka Tripper to a workout to get up and chase him and avoid the exercises.  Expect next MMM to display numerous pups.

Speaking of Das Boot, fellow Pax such as Frontier and Macbeth have had their personal experience…and we are in agreement…it sucks.

It is rough for a Q to be directly across from Uncle Rico…jump squats with the bell…beast or…

Good to see the Old guard and good to see some new faces for me…Yosemite and The Worm…hope to see you out there again.

Thanks to Omega for allowing me to Q

Life Life, Own Every Second and Never, Never Take Anything For Granted!
