August Horseshoe

WAR DADDY – Hacker

war baby – Egyptian

10 gloom warriors gathered in the post-storm humidity box at Harris Teeter to run THE Horseshoe,

The Thang:

Jog to lower parking lot

Forward Fold

Curb calf stretches each leg

Downward Dog with calf stretches

Cotton Pickers X 10

Windmills X 10

Jog to base of the big hill

5 Laps of the horsehoe with addition of the next exercise on the list up to 5, then drop exercise back down to 1 – 100 total reps each of the following:




Box Cutters

Jog back to HT parking lot

Naked Man Moleskin:

1) Egyptian, you are young and that's your fault – I'll buy you a coffee at the next coffeeteria if you can tell me the artist with that verse in a song

2) Welcome back M-16! Post again this week, and don't miss next week with Omega at the helm. Or will it be Bailey? Show to know.

3) Congratulations on completing your first Horseshoe Yosemite!

4) Hacker was WAR DADDY and the only one in the same zip code as Egyptian – strong work!

5) Hat Trick never misses a Horseshoe, despite his protests to the contrary. Strong work by you and the Gnarly one today.

6) Please keep Callahan and his family in your prayers as he lost his father-in-law this week – a veteran and one of the toughest, yet kindest men I ever met. RIP Elijah Tyson.

As always, it was an honor and privilege to lead this group of men today.
