An Ode to the 2017 Crossfit Games…

Event Date

Aug 15, 2017


So, I was sitting on the couch last night a little bored flipping through Netflix and came across the "Fittest on Earth" 2017 Crossfit games – I started watching and was getting all pumped up for today's sweatfest!! A couple die hard runners coming off the DL met YHC for an early standard – unfortunately YHC could not make the total distance – Calf strain acting up – so I had to slosey into the AO.  Nonetheless, I would not be deterred from throwing down a beating on the 7 brave PAX that decided sweating was more important than sleeping!! And now on to the Cross Fit Games…


Limping lap around most of the parking lot and circle up for standard F3 warm-up

SSH x 20 IC

Cotton Pickers x 10 IC

Windmill x 10 IC

IST x 10 IC

Then go grab a rock – non traveling and YHC will be testing each one over the remaining workout.


Since YHC was now back on the DL with a calf strain, I guided the PAX through the first round of the games – The crossfit (fake) games consisted of 5 Stations around the parking lot:

Station 1 – Jump Squats x 15

Station 2 – Mericans x 20

Station 3 – LBCs x 20

Station 4 – Burpees x 10

Station 5 – Overhead Rock Press x 15

Then 1 lap around track and repeato.  PAX were instructed to complete as many rounds as possible until 0615

The results were amzing and sweaty – Jenny and 66 crushed it and we were sitting in their shadow


  • Jenny picked the wrong workout to recover from the Bourbon induced party weekend in the mountains – that will teach you to party with the younger generation.
  • Way to work hard Outsource and Lawn Dart – keep pushing, it doesnt get easier – but you get better at the workout (soccer arms rules)
  • Thanks to all for coming out, and sorry I was not 100% but no sense crying about it

Till Next Time

TBone Out!!