Can Never Get Too Much Of A Good Thing, “RepeatO”

Event Date

Aug 19, 2017

Sorry for the late post. Three men and one 2.0 showed up in the gloom Saturday 8/19, (Blaze,Oldies,Reload,and 2.0 Wolf). "Warm-up" 10-Cottonpickers IC 10-SSH IC 30 sec. High Knees 10- Zombie Toe Touches IC (Mosey to gym) "The Thang" 10- Wall Mountain Climbers OYO (run to next station) 10- Merkins OYO (run to picnic tables) 10- Dips OYO 10- Step-ups/leg (run up steps to first level) 10- LBC's OYO (run up steps to top level) 10- SSH OYO (run back to starting point) "REPEATO!" for 3 rounds (Mosey to tire yard on top of hill, Pax was given the option of short or long they chose long hence mosey took the scenic route) Break-up in groups of 2 1 flips tire the length of concrete pad while 2 does Merkins until 1 completes tire flip Next 1 does 15-Decline Merkins (feet on tire), while 2 does 15- incline Merkins, (hands on tire) Next 1 runs lap around parking lot while 2 does LBC's until 1 returns to starting point. (Mosey to the Rock Pile) Choose a rock, 10- Shoulder Presses IC 10- Skull Crushers IC 10- Upright Rows IC 1 round of 21's Exchange rock for one that would challenge you to curl one handed and mosey back to tire yard. 10- Tricep Pullovers IC (shoulders on tire) 10- Nose Crackers IC (shoulders on tire) 10- Tricep Kickbacks IC/arm (use tire as bench) 10- Lawnmowers IC/arm (use tire as bench) Mosey back to Launch Pad for 6MOM "6MOM" 30 sec. High Plank 30 sec. Low Plank 30 sec. Left Side Plank right arm in air 30 sec. Right Side Plank left arm in air 30 sec. Low Plank 30 sec. High Plank (Ran short on time to complete rest of Mary) "Reflection" Colossians 1:28 ESV Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. Always a pleasure to lead. Hope to see more come out and join in the "beatdown". Blaze