Quick Journey and a Q Fail

Event Date

Aug 21, 2017


9 pax for the standard (including BEP who pulled an elvis)

Run around front of school

SSH X 15

Cotton Picker X 15

Run Beatties Ford, up Hambright – plank

WW2 X 15

Run to end of road, back for 6 and back to end of road

Plank – LBC X 15

Run to bottom of road, right to bottom of hill, back up and over – Plank at the stop sign

Plank – Hip Dip X 10 each side

Run to top of Tanners Creek and Plank

Some other ab exercise

Run back to home base – mosey to end of lot

90% run the lot

Warm down mosey around loop

Mary by the PAX

Travolt – Blast off Merkin X 8

Jedi – Low Flutter x 25

Omar – Crunchy Frog X 10

Tbone – Touch dem heels (shirt ripper) X 20

Recover Recover


Yes the Q took a spill getting to the road – was darker than expected, although I didn't discourage headlamps today, YHC didn't have one.  First welcome new guys to Titan, I think Jedi and Travolta (and maybe Omar). Garbage Plate discussed he'd has some time away from running, dude you sure looked rested and ready to go today.  Who won the sprint?  I saw Travolta up there, guessing Garbage Plate was the other (though there were a couple of false starts that could have been contending).

Strong run by all including the other regulars (noticeably absent were Turnpike and Amen). I think we covered around 3.5 miles with a bit of pain in between.  Thank you for joining and have a great week!