Pax Missing Above: Buckner, The Mistake, FNG (now known as Napster), Clinch, Worly, Puddin'

Well today was an introduction of something new called "D.I.T.K.A.S."  More on that below…

Warmorama: SSH X 50IC

Da Thang:

Mosey to the DUMC parking lot and circle up….it was a big circle!

D.I.T.K.A.S. (each letter was assigned an exercise based on what is found in the F3 Exercise Library with coorelating music to go along with the exercies).  

  • Diamond Merkins
    • IC X15
    • Rest
    • IC X10
  • Music: Neil Diamond – (seriously what else would it be!)

One Lap around the Dale House – which has a nice uphill slope the entire way!

  • Inch Worm
    • ?Across 1/2 lot and back
    • Actually had it in the plans to repeato this then realized that was not happening as my shoulders and chest were now screaming at me and begging for mercy.
  • Music: Nine Inch Nails

One Lap

  • Tricep Dips (One Leg in Air) – our chests needed a rest!
    • IC X10 Left Leg In Air
    • Rest
    • IC X10 Right Leg In Air
  • Music: Freak Nasty "Da Dip"

One Lap

  • Kragle Burpee (burpee with 3 hand release merkins for each burpee)
    • ?Okay, this one got all messed in my naming…more on that below….
  • Music: Lego Movie "Everything Is Awesome" – as in "Release The Kragle"

One Lap

  • Apollo Creed burpees (one arm without the merican) 
    • Left Arm Only X 10 OYO
    • Rest
    • Right Arm Only X 10 OYO
  • Music: Gonna Fly Now (Rocky Theme music) 

One Lap: also played Burning Heart from Rocky during the run – we needed a boost

  • Scorpion Dry Docks – one leg up
    • IC X10 (Left Leg Up)
    • Rest
    • IC X10 (Right Leg Up)
    • CCD IC X 10IC
  • Music: Scorpions (again – what else would one play!) although I did play Rock You Like A Hurricane – so maybe not the best choice in songs today.

One Lap

AND FINALLY: while I hate the Bears, it was only appropriate to wrap up this new workout with Bear Crawls

  • Bear Crawl – across the entire parking lot and back!  #brutal

Mosey back to Green

Mary – Airborne Mindbenders, Low Flutters, Touch Dem Heels, Plank

Recover, Recover


  • Thanks to my co-pilot, SwingState for being there today to take over as Co-Q…but sorry, the DITKAS took us to the very end!  Speaking of SwingState – if he's on your BRR team, you might as well make him run the entire BRR by himself.  #ridiculous
  • Great to see RamRod and Uncle Rico from the other side of town out there this AM.  Great surprise – and solid work as usual by those two.
  • Were you looking for the fastest Inch Wormer and Bear Crawler – well Scrum is your guy!  #beastmode And not to mention he wasn't far behind SwingState in the laps every time!  Really fast!  
  • SwampThing decided to partake in one of my Q's finally – must have gotten a new alarm.  Glad to see you out there man…how could we miss you at 6'8"
  • I think Hulka has only missed one of my Q's in Davidson, perhaps due to rain.  Strong showing once again!
  • We had a new, 2nd time FNG today (didn't catch is real name but who really cares about that – we don't know our real names anyway) – and he is now Napster, thanks to Swampthing.  Why you ask?  Well Napster was wearing some sporty clear glasses today and I'm not exactly sure how he saw out of them as they were so fogged up, and the music selection was quite "eclectic" to say the least today – so Napster's icon is the guy with the shades and of course music, so Napster it is!
  • As for the rest of you all – awesome work today and thanks for being the guinea pigs for this new workout!  I hope your upper body is sore tomorrow when you wake up!
  • Kracken Burpees vs. The Kragle Burpees.  On the F3 website there is an exercise someone came up with called Kracken Burpees (named after a Sea Monster whom they release in the ocean) so I used this for the "K" exercises.  Well then unknowingly I somehow changed this in my head to "The Kragle" from Lego Movie – "Release the Kragle" – Will Ferrill's character.  Kragle Burpees are not on the F3 list, but they are now known to me as Kragle Burpees as I don't really like Sea Monsters anyway.  Thanks to RamRod for the clarification on my calling Kragle, "Kracken" but really meaning "Kragle."  Good Lord this is too confusing.
  • Continued prayers for the Anderson Family, Joyce, and Khadija.  And of course those in TX and LA who suffered from the devestating effects of the hurricane.
  • Some of you asked the name of the program for hosting an Afhgan child in Summer for 6 weeks – it's Solace For The Children based out of Mooresville.  If you have any questions, please let me know. Obviously summer is a ways away, but as the time gets closer and you are interested, do not hesitate to reach out to me or of course you can contact them directly on their website.  Those 6 weeks will change your families lives forever!

Ditka – OUT!