
Event Date

Sep 02, 2017


4 manly men came out to see what BRR training looked like….Skipper was at the helm:

Warm Up:


20 IC MCs

10 IC Copperhead Squats

10 IC Windmills

Indian Run (ish) to bottom of Sailview Hill – Partner Up:

1: Hill Run to the Top of Sailview Hill

2: Dive-Bomber Merkins until Partner 1 returns-Swap

Indian Run (ish) to Rock Meadow Court double cul-de-sac.  Each "sac" offers a good downhill and uphill.

Closed Course

Run (OYO Pace) but probably 5k pace? to the opposite cul de sac – 10 Burpees

Repeato back to original cul de sac – 8 Burpees, repeato until down to 0.

Indian Run (ish) back to the top of the 2nd Sailview Dr. Hill

Partner 1: Runs down the 2nd hill and then up the original hill to the top

Partener 2: LBCs until return, swap (We got over 120 LBCs!)

Indian Run (ish) back down and up the Sailview roller coaster back to the back playground-grab a block

5 More:  (Thanks FIFO)

In a circle, each PAX holds their block.  Q calls 5 Block Curls and then the PAX to the left either yells "5 More" or stops.  Keep performing 5 Block Curls around the circle until 1 PAX calls STOP.  Think we did 4 or so rounds.  Burner.

Mosey to Front



10 IC Fire Hydrant L

10 IC Fire Hydrant R

10 IC Glute Bridge Pulse L

10 IC Glute Bridge Pulse R

:60 Mason Twist


Ephesians 4:29:  Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.  In other words, "If you ain't got nothing good to say, don't say anything at all."  Our words are stronger then we think.  They can either build someone up, or tear them down.  What one may say in jest, lands hard upon someone at the wrong moment.  Be cognizant of your words towards others, you never know who is listening.


*Abrams and Vortex joined us for Mary.  So yes, Mustang, I added them in since they did run 13 miles to get here

* We doubled our turn-out from last Saturday.  We can do better.  Come out, come out wherever you are

* Many thanks were given by Metro and Dandelion that we elected to run so much.  I think they said something like "We should do this more often……" They said something else after that non-audibly but I couldn' t hear it.

* Got 3.1 miles in of hilly goodness.  Your Welcome. 

* Metro, go put some WD-40 on those breaks.  Lol, we need Spokes back to teach us about bike maintenance.  

* Continued prayers-out for Cheetah for his job situation

* Prayers-out to all of our BRR runners who will be representing Denver in next weekend's race.  Godspeed.  Be Safe.

* We are going to converge at Mustang,(To improve their morale) on Monday/Labor Day at 0700hrs for a TBD workout.  The way things are going, I think we'll kill some Trilogy segments and then just run for an hour.  Lol.

* As always, an honor to Lead and be Led by you gentlemen