Silently Slipping into 6 Year Isotope Anniversary

Event Date

Sep 02, 2017



Mosey to end of parking lot for Warmorama that did NOT include windmills, cotton pickers, or IST.

Mosey to the lower field…off Broadway for plastic plate paloosa: 

Bear slide 35 yards, return via lunge walk

Seal slide 35 yards, backward lunge walk

Inch worm 35 yards, side lunge right leg leading

Ab wheel 10 OYO

Side lunge left leg leading

Ab wheel 10 OYO


Mosey to Wolfpack playground for Makhtar Ndiaye x10 and 4 rounds of:

Run to the bottom of K2 and back to the playground for 5 pull-ups, standard grip

Repeato with wide grip

Repeato with narrow grip

Repeato with chin-up grip


COP – all 12 x IC: low flutter, low dolly, high flutter, rosalita with Homer/Marge transitions; feet don't hit the ground; airborn mindbender while the lady walks by…no sense showing off. Quad stretch. 


Mosey to the stairs for:

3 sets of calf raises 10x IC; butterfly, regular, and pigeon

To the picnic tables for 10x dips

People's Chair with heel touch until it burned and/or Jersey Boy whimpered

 – Repeato the above 3 exercises


Mosey to Broadway for 1 round of trash pick-up

Finish with 10 mins of StretchArmstrong and leg burning; found of of Jersey Boy's many wheelhouses here




  1. It was really cool hearing the EH stories, years of entry into F3, and first workouts.
  2. Hey Jethro! Go with your first instinct…that prank had Thug written all over it. What do you call that minivan?
  3. Great to see Turnpike join us after a measly 16 mile run, lurking until the heavy exercise was finished before joining us. Slacker
  4. Waffle – the calf exercise was all for you; thanks for the idea
  5. Aussie was undaunted by K2; #LarryBird?
  6. Springfield rolled in on 2 wheels but owned his piece of the turf #KellerWilliams
  7. awesome showing for coffeeteria – Tclaps, Earl Grey for a great venue.


Thanks to Aussie for taking us out.  Prayers up for Granny and Schneider's family.