Chelsea vs. Man U

Event Date

Sep 06, 2017

Chelsea vs. Man U … are going to be sore.  Chelsea won this round. And e'rbody left without soccer arms and couldn't care less about soccer.

FNG-1 is "Ponch" Who will register soon enough.  

YHC decided last minute to attempt to take the CR on Trilogy "Front to Back" Strava segment from Spork.  Little did I know God didn't want it to happen today. #TheStandard run was to be short. Off I went, then my headlamp goes out…thanks Obama. Knowing some construction debris is likely in my way I attempted to get the headlamp working Fonzie style…which sent the headlamp flying, breaking open, batteries flying to the ground, the lamp on the ground and here I stand, not moving watching my record breaking attempt slip away like Colin Kaepernicks career.  I found all of my broken pieces and continued on, only to find a river in the middle of the road that I would have to ford. Actually I found a way around, but that to slowed me down. By now the CR attempt was shot and YHC had to make it back to the launch pad in time to Q a workout.

The time is 0531 and YHC is running in HOT. Ziplock offers to start us off with a warm up, and here's the rest of the story…

20 IC SSH (YHC conveniently skipped this part)
Clark takes over with 10 IC Copper Head Squats
Shoulder Circles
10 IC Fire Hydrants (each side)

The meat
PAX is instructed to grab their water (we don't want anyone pulling a Turncoat today) as we aren't coming back til the end. We run over to CSES where YHC announces that today we are doing Chelsea.  Your M will be happy that this is the Chelsea you are doing. This is kinda like #TheMurph only less running, and with less running comes more meat and potatoes.  The HIIT is set for 1 minute rounds.  Every minute on the minute for 30 minutes we complete the following:

5 pull-ups
10 'Mericans
15 air squats

Whatever time you have left each round you can catch your breath and recover. If you stuck with it you completed 150 pull-ups, 300 'mericans, and 450 air squats in under 30 minutes.

You are welcome. Mosey, drag yourself, whatever, back over to the launch pad and we are DONE!

How does Moses make coffee? … He Brews it…get it?
Herbrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to be well-pleasing unto him; for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that heis a rewarder of them that seek after him.


  • Great to have P-Funk back out.  We thought we might have run him off
  • Ponch will register on the site soon enough
  • Dutch hated this workout so much that he loves it
  • Clubber was mearly feet away from the workout, but was fast asleep
  • Ziplock, thanks for starting the warm-up
  • Wildthing, solid work this morning
  • Spork is ready for the Mud Run pull-up challenge
  • Stitches will do your boat interior in the winter time
  • Bogey, thanks for leading me through my first Chelsea several years ago at GCC