Wise Man Builds His House…

Event Date

Sep 09, 2017


Wise Man Builds His House…

Warm up
Mtn climber
Toy soldier
Dippy bird

Mosey to top of big hill.  10x copperhead squats
Mosey to the next road.  5xLeft+5xRight staggered merkins
Mosey to the next road.  10x copperhead squats
Mosey to the next road.  10x shoulder touch merkins
Mosey around the clubhouse to the rock pile.
Facing the beautiful sun rising on the lake.  10x copperhead squats.

Rock 'n Roll
A's run around trail (200-300m)
B's do something with the rocks; 1 in each hand
Round 1 – switch between shoulder press and praise hands up
Round 2 – fore/aft, aft/fore, side press up
Round 3 – squat presses
(I intended to do Round 4 – curls, but my biceps are not sore like my shoulders, so maybe not?)

Mosey to the first road.  10x copperhead squats
Mosey to the next road.  crucifix merkins
Mosey to the next road.  10x copperhead squats
Mosey to top of big hill.  miltary elbows-tight merkins

20x LBC
15x slow 2-count scissors
10x reverse toe touchers
10x slow Freddie's; focus on twist
no time for the hammer

Reflection Matthew 7:24-27
“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.”

– what were the "words of mine" mentioned at the beginning?  That's your homework, read Matthew 7.  Let me know if you did.
– Are you a wise man?  Where are you building your house?  
– What or who is your foundation.  What do you base your decisions on?  What are you teaching your children?  Do they have a good foundation?
– What are you doing that you shouldn't be doing?  What AREN'T you doing that you SHOULD be doing?
– Let me know if you want to talk through some of the foolish things you do and how you are going to be more wise.
– Lots of self-reflection this last week.  Not feeling wise at times.  Opening my eyes to some realities.  Looking forward to seeing His plans unfold.
– Was thinking of this lesson all week; before Irma was really news.  Soak in the visual devastation of the homes built on sand.  No bueno.  Spiritual devastation for poor foundation is eternally worse.  Pray and ask for eyes and wisdom.

Quite an honor to lead today guys.  I love the big pax, but I don't mind the small pax every once in awhile.  Good discussions.