Jimmy O Gets Lost; Ends Up At Blender


Gather ye KBs and head for shelter under the portico 



A. Four Corners warmup 


B. Partner Exercise 

Partner A 20 KBs swings, 20 curls

Partner B – Run to woods and back 

Partner A 20 Bent overs, 20 tricep

Partner B – Run 


C. Flutter with KB Press IC Ladder with burpees 10-8-6-4-2


D.  Four Corners interlude 

Partner A – goes left 20 squats 

Partner B – goes right 

Meet middle 10 partner derkins 


E. Squat Press IC Ladder with burpees 



E.  Four Corners Interlude 


F.  Partner Exercise 

Partner A 

20 goblet squats, 20 mountain climbers 

Partner B 

Run right and back 


G. Mary 




1.  Jimmy O was lost, searching for an AO deep into the gloom only to find the only beacon lit at GCC where 9 other men were getting after it. Iliad? No.  Gladiator? Nope.  Blender? Yes, that's right.  We were Plan "C" today. Worked out perfect brother nc YHC had no partner.  Thanks man. 


2.  Crimson looks tough as ever at 49 years old.  Almost respect.  You're a stud. 


3.  Rico looked like an Iron Horse sprinting with his KB. Yes, that's the Blender.  Show 2 know. 


4.  Bunyan and Rico went head to head on a few sprints.  I was too far back to see who won? 


5.  Ramrod looked good on a few sprints.  But sore?  Take a few days off man.  You're already penciled in for #MOTY.  


6.  Bunyan told me to look up the meaning to one of his EH's Vinegar Bend – who is one cool cat.  Google it.  I still need to too! 


Rest of the Men – thank you for posting at the Blender. 


Until Next Time. 

