Slaying a World Record Not So Easy…

Not listed on the site: Bessie

25 strong came out to Dragon Slayer to master the kettlebell, get lost in the woods, and attempt a world record


Short mosey with some butt kickers and high knees

20 X SSH
15 X IST

15 X Carrot Pullers

Arm Circles OYO

Merican Minute!  AMRAP pushups for sixty seconds (see Moleskin for World Record)

The Thing

Run to pull up bars and partner up

Partner A 10 X Pull Up

Partner B 20 X Squat


Partner A 10 X Chin Up

Partner B 20 X High knee jumps (jump up and touch knees to hands)



Run back to kettlebells

15 X Curl IC

15 X Skull Crushers IC

10 X Squat Press IC

20 X Kettlebell Swings OYO

Lap around church

Repeato (Zamperini kettlebell to new spot to get out of the way of the church bus!)

15 X Upright Row IC

10 X Lawn Mower Right IC

10 X Lawn Mower Left IC

15 X Kettlebell press w/ Low Flutter IC

Lap around church



10 X Heels to Heaven IC

10 X Pretzel Crunch Right and Left IC

10 X W IC

Merican Minute! AMRAP push ups for sixty seconds…not as easy as the first time!

Recover, Recover


– Big crew also ran ~3 mile Standard this morning.  Saw Don Ho, Lego, Mayhem, Frogger and Turncoat rolling in as I parked.  I’m sure I missed a few too.

– Guinness Book of World Records for pushups in a minute:

Regular: 140 (although could not confirm, could be as high as 152)

Finger Tip: 105

Knuckles: 101

Diamond: 70

If you’re interested in what is considered “Excellent” for pushups in a minute from the American College of Sports Medicine, see link below.  I’m betting many of you are crushing it!

– Bit of a challenge getting back to the pull up bars in the dark but well worth it in YHC’s opinion.

– Duly noted need for volume increase in cadence…breathing too hard.

– Don Ho noted upcoming Need for Speed and Mayhem noted a shoe drive to help the less fortunate.  Please reach out to them for more information and show support!

– No world records (today), but may have set a record for PAX at Dragon Slayer!  Appreciate everyone coming out, a huge motivator for me and helped me push through.

Until next time…
