Bleachers and Bells

Event Date

Sep 15, 2017



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Warm up

10 Windmills IC

10 Mtn Climbers IC

10 Merkins IC


The Thang – Grab Bells and go to concrete bleachers


Round 1 – Do one on each row up and down

KB Bleacher Sit Squats (set of 3 each row)

KB press (set of 3 each row)

KB Step up (1 each leg b4 going to next row)

KB Upright row (set of 3 each row)

KB skull crushers (set of 3 each row)


100 meter Sprint, then brisk walk back to the bells


Round 2 – Do one on each row up and down

Kb Russian twist (set of 3 each row)

KB 1 arm row (set of 3 each arm, each row)

KB goblet squat (3 each row)

KB sit down curl (set of 3 each arm each row)

KB Russian swing (3 each row)


100 meter Sprint then brisk walk back to the bells.



Around the horn for Mary

– 25 x IC LBCs – Boone

– 10 x IC box cutters – C#

– 10 x IC fast freddie mercuries








In the world in which we live, we give most attention to satisfying the appetites of the body and practically none to the soul. Consequently, we are one-sided. We become fat physically and materially, while spiritually we are lean, weak and anemic. The soul actually demands as much attention as the body. It demands fellowship and communion with God. It demands worship, quietness, and meditation. Unless the soul is fed and exercised daily, it becomes weak and shriveled.


– Who thought combining KBs and Bleachers were a good idea? A man that wants to get better that's who

– C# and P-funk finally meet

– Caught a glimpse of a sattelite passing overhead

– Pretty certain we scared ketchup out of a tomato as we were sprinting the track