Running, abs, and animal spotting

Event Date

Sep 18, 2017


Start the day running, down to 4 corners.

Wait, along the way we're chased by a bus.  We come across a dude walking his dogs, and the 2 pounder gets frightened, PAX flank him, chase him back to owner, and we're back on our way.


stop at corners – elbow plank, puches/toe taps X 10 each leg/arm

Suzanne somers X 10 each side

run to mcilwane exit – stop at top for

LBC X 15

Pretzel X 10 each side


Run over to Stray/9 lives neighborhood

run past some shady character walking his dog – wait that was 9 Lives! next stop regather, instead of exercises circle back looking for 9 lives

Don't find him, though he catches us at top of hill on his motorcycle, chat a bit and he's off – and so we are we – run back to tanners stop twice for some LBCs and planking

back to home base for some planking, right arm up, left arm up

30 seconds of elbow plank


Interesting run this morning, covered about 3.5 miles.  And reminder, don't run behind Jenny on Mondays.