4, 10, 4, and a Tribute To The Bringers.

Four (4) fine horsemen showed up for #thestandard and knocked off a few miles prior to the stated gathering time.  These thoroughbreds included Crack, Deepend, Loveshack, and Dewey.

Ten (10) stalwert freeloading workout junkies collected at 5:30 to experience some upper body building and ripped through the Q's dubiously prepared, well……..Q as if it were a nursery school recess game conjured up quickly by Rickie and Tony to ostensibly keep the kids at bay, and out of trouble.

Four (4) jabber mouthers gathered at Chick-Fil-A for a collective coffeeteria, sponsored by Usain, attended by Lear, Chief and YHC.  The F2 never gets old.  

Warm-ups: Mozy to back of the business location formerly known as TrackScan, COP (IC)-SSH 20, IST 15, CP's 10, Mericans 10, MC's 15, grab two (2) bricks, circle up!

The Thang: Pyramids IC, Arms out like a bird (now formally known as 'Caw CAW's', because you 'look' like a bird when performing said excercise, or some other avian being) 10, Mil Presses 10, Curls 10, Skull Crushers 10.  Slow Deep Squats (SDS) 10, REPEATO of the brick exercises with 8, then 6 (ur darn right it was IC), while keeping the 10 SDS 'recovery' style, much to Loveshack's objection, so the bricks were added into the last set of recovery squats to make Loveshack happy.  This yielded little success.  Return bricks.

Mozy to the Ferguson Kitchen PL, break into pairs for StationWorkTM.  Pace setters were the rope guys, one man holds big thick ropes, the other wips the ropes 30x's each arm, switch, other Pax dutifully crank out reps or 'sit' while the ropers rope, then….. ROTATE to the other stations including, but not limited to, Peter Parkers, Iron Chair, Squats with weight (20 or 30 lbs-YOU CHOOSE), and Mericans.  Second rotation through the StationWorkTM had CDD's substituting for the Mericans, Preacher's Chair instead of Iron, and Parker Peters insted of Peter Parkers.  Are you following me (if so, that's not good)?  

Mozy back towards AO, get passed by random fast runner, Loveshack gets an itch and RUNS to catch him, only to be steered Right to our 3rd favorite wall (at this AO) for 10 IC Inclines and 5 penalty burpees assessed upon Usain and the Gang for a reason that is eluding YHC at the moment.  Mozy to AO.

Mary-Mason 15 IC, Box Cutters 10 IC, Cutter Boxes 10 IC, Plank.  Recover, recover.


-This crowd….this group of men, leading them is like the newbie leading the vets.  This collective consited of hardcore posters, two (2) founders of F3RCUSA, and many other venerable workhorses that post more consitently than the Postmaster on Monday morning.

-Loveshack seemed, uncommonly, to have a lot to say about the exercises today.  He felt the 'shoulder smoke' the Q was looking for was not materializing as he had purportedly wanted.  Sometimes it's good to 'want'!

-Our Respects: Lear, Deepend, Ticktock, and Usain continue to inspire and motivate us ALL, bless;-)

-Dewey, thanks for the keys to the shop.  You ARE one of the below stated builders, and thank you for building.

-I am sure this is a tired trilogy, but I want to thank three (3) groups of F3'ers.  Thanks to Dredd and OBT, who collectively conjured up this unbelievably uncommon, yet simple way of stimulating fitness, fellowship and faith in their fellow Man.  Thanks to Moses and his ilk for emmigrating north to form what was Charlotte North, then Mecca, then Isotope, then Lake Norman. (thinking that's right?).  Finally, deep thanks to Chief, Crack, and Big Mean for taking the leap, for the lonely Q's, for forging into the gloom and launching THREE AO's that became what is now known as F3 Race City (currently at 8 (eight) AO's).  Bless all of you, thanks to each and every one of you for BRINGING IT!

-SO, our former President once said, "you didn't build that".  He might be a little bit right there (as much as that pains YHC to type).  Not 'all' of the buiding of these three levels of F3 (that brought the greatest workout, brotherhood, and faith concept to YHC's front doorstep) was done by the above named MVP's.  However, they all 'BROUGHT IT'.  Without the 'bring' there would be nothing to 'build'.  We have ALL helped build F3, some have done a little, some have done A LOT.  YHC an all of the Pax have been 'builders' as are the MVP's named above, of course.  But the BRINGERS is where YHC sits astounded, impressed, and in admiration.  These folks, in their own way have BROUGHT something GREAT to many men (and mind you, have asked for NOTHING in reply-that YHC is aware of).  And for that, they should be proudly, loudly, and passionately THANKED! THANK YOU Dredd, OBT, Moses, Chief, Crack, and Big Mean.  YHC, and many, many others, are deeply indebted to the BRING that y'all brought!

-YHC does aplogize for the wordiness of this #BB, and HATEs being limited to 140 characters, *beyondthetwitter.