The acorns are dropping like rain drops it’s fall boys!

Acrons dropping like rain drops in the hood waitning for my ride.

Started out with a warm up (side straddle hop, 10 push-ups, storm troopers, 10 push-ups, windmills and finally 10 more push-ups)

Ladder for main workout:

10 pullups followed by run across out field to chain link fence and back

10 pullups plus 20 hand release push-ups followed by run across out field to chain link fence and back

10 pullups plus 20 hand release push-ups plus 30 skull crushers followed by run across out field to chain link fence and back

10 pullups plus 20 hand release push-ups plus 30 skull crushers plus 40 squat to press followed by run across out field to chain link fence and back

10 pullups plus 20 hand release push-ups plus 30 skull crushers plus 40 squat to press plus 50 swings followed by run across out field to chain link fence and back

Broke into groups of 3 – 2 runners ran around softball field 3rd person grab kettle bells and farmer carry to meet 2 runners.  1 of the 2 runners farmer carry back other runner do the loop again.

Back to front of church.  10 Burpees in cadence.

Recover – Recover

Thanks for the opportunity Bam Bam see you guys next time.