Vikings Vern

Not on the website, Kermit

I let Monday slip away from me without realizing I needed to put something together for Tuesday's beat down at the Viking.  Pulling into the parking lot without much of a plan I had a revelation.  What better way to test yourself than with a little Vern!  As the unsuspecting pax pulled in not knowing what was about to go down, I couldn't help but grin as 5:30 quickly approached.  5:30 struck and off we went…

The Thang:

Run down to the pavilion and circle up by the playground.  Here is where I instructed we would be doing "The Vern".  

10 – Pull Ups

20 – Dips

25 – 'mercans

30 – LBC's

All exercises were performed after a 200 yard run.

Run back to the parking lot.

Repeat-o for a total of 5 sets.

There were two Virgin Verners today (Kermit and Fescue) and several "Vern avoiders" in the group.  All killed it today.  Great push by all.  I love the Vern, you vs you.  I kept up with Hippie for two sets, and then just let him go.  There were several today with footsteps right behind me pushing me forward.  Without you guys, I would have given up after 3 rounds.  Thanks for the push by all.  Kermit really enjoyed today.  Stromboli's back was healed, Moop Dog disappeared and then re-appeared mystically from the dark….  Weird, mystical things happening whenever there's a Vern.  If you haven't Vern'd, then you're missing out.  Step up and sign up to Q.  The Viking has a lot of options.  Thank you Stromboli for the opportunity. Until next time, see you in the gloom…