Active Adult Intervals at Halflife

At 4:45am 8 men headed out to the corner of Meeting House Dr. and Hough High School road via the Hough HS parking lot.  After the 1.1 mile warmup was complete, vague instructions about the proposed path through the active adult community were given to reach 1.5 mile interval length with a 0.5 mile recovery jog to return to the same corner to start another interval.  

During the first interval, 3 more PAX were found wandering around the community.  After the second interval 1 more PAX joined to complete the 12 PAX in attendance. 

A total of 4 x 1.5 mi intervals were completed by most PAX.  Turnpike was on a 6 x 1 mi plan and other options could have also been excersized.  It was tough to tell once things started to get real.  


– Mr. Burns was found at one point laying on the ground doing some impromptu yoga.  Hopefully the legs shake out today and he is back in action without much downtime.  The 50k is coming!

– Gray Ghost was very ghostly today and was not seen until COT.  I am sure wherever he was he was running at a high speed and making it look easy. 

– Mortimer was a great help as always filling in the intracacies of the plan

– Overall, it looked like everyone was pushing today and putting in some quality work.  Thanks for the great company!

Until next time.