Oktoberfest Field Day

Event Date

Oct 09, 2017


Side Shuttle hop

Cotton Pickers

Toy Soldiers

Grab Rocks and drop off for later, then mosey to pull up bar

Lap around explaining instructions (signs posted at each station with exercise)



Bear crawl to corner, then 20 mericans

Move over to the next parking lane then Broad Jump Burpee to light post, then crab walk rest of the way

Next parking lane, Lunge Walk to rocks, then do 20 rock swings

Sprint to wall, then 20 declined mericans and 20 squats

Long lap around parking lot circle and back to pull up bars

10 pull ups

Repeat x2

Rocks back


Mary Go Round

Mosey down to the covered patio

Dips – 20 count in Cadence


Mason Twists

Pretzel Crunch

Bam Bams

Recover Recover
Field Notes
?We averaged at about 11 minutes per lap
Prize went to Bam Bam for finishing first in 2 out of 3 of the laps. He chose a 6 pack of Sierra Nevada Oktoberfest.
And the 2nd prize, a Starbucks gift card, went to Rocket for first with Respect to finish.
Caboose technically got 2nd and I think Rocket was 3rd, but the respect bumps Rocket ahead. Those are the official rules. Sorry Caboose, either you got to get older or get faster to win 😉
And since it's 2017, a participation trophy went to everyone in the form of an ice cold gatorade.
The circuit worked out pretty well, I think I'll do it again some time! Keep an eye out.