Four Corners at a Steamy Viking

Not listed on the site: Kermit

11 men got their sweat on for Four Corners and fun with rocks…

Believe it was Smores, Riverboat, and Shaken Not Stirred for a ~2 mile standard up to North Meck Park


Mosey to the rock pile and take your rock of choice down to the pavilion

15 X Windmill IC

15 X Carrot Pullers IC


The now named “Johnny Bench”: Get in catcher’s position, stretch legs by pushing palms together while using your elbows to push out your knees.

The Thing

Left the rocks for a little bit…

Four corner ladder around the soccer field as a group, run to each corner

Corner 1: 10 X Mericans IC

Corner 2: 10 X Mericans IC, 10 X Squats IC

Corner 3: 10 X Mericans IC, 10 X Squats IC, 10 X CDD IC

Corner 4: 10 X Mericans IC, 10 X Squats IC, 10 X CDD IC, 10 X Mountain Climbers IC

Repeato OYO, cut reps in half

Back to the pavilion for People’s Chair, then back to work…

15 X Full Curl IC

15 X Skull Crushers IC

10 X Steps Ups OYO (both legs)

15 X Dips IC

15 X Bent Over Row

10 X Steps Ups OYO (both legs)

15 X Chest Press with Low Flutter IC

Air Borne Mind Bender


14 X Shoulder Press IC

10 X Steps Ups OYO (both legs)

Finished up with a bear crawl and lunge walk across the parking lot.

Return rocks and mosey back to the cars…



10 X Pretzel Crunch IC (both sides)

1 Really Good Burpee!

Recover, Recover


– Was praying for no rain, which was received.  Still got soaked with the 100% humidity.

– Counted up 5 out 11 Respects in the group, nice work!

– I don’t know how Caboose got his F3 name, because every post I see him he’s leading the PAX.  Another strong one brother!

– The “Johnny Bench” probably has a different name, but that’s what I’m calling it from here on out.

– Proper form on bent over row: 1) Back Straight 2) Butt Out 3) Head Up 4) Avoid Eye Contact

– Was going to do a Wheel Barrow race to finish up, which the PAX quickly shot down.  Settled on the bear crawl/lunge walk

– No one saw my Charlie Brown pre-blast, so will have to save The Great Pumpkin theme for another Q.

– Prayers for Peg Leg’s family for his uncle who passed away, and for Sweet Caroline’s son who has an upcoming knee surgery.

– Thanks to Stromboli for giving me a chance to lead this great group of men.  If you haven’t already, get out there and sign up for the Viking Q!
