My how things have changed

First of all, I was pumped i remembered everybody, all by myself, with no help at all! (brain things are hard).

Second, Tclaps to all of you for not complaining about Broad Jump Burpee relays.  I can only assume you like those and you want them to be a major factor in my Mad Sci planning for next week.

Third, it was great to visit this AO they call Wilderness.  I remember a day when this fine establishment had plenty of rocks to choose from, a tennis court open to the public, and both basketball goals.  I guess when Calypso and BEP moved away so did all of the amenities.  But alas, there is still the constant 18 (perfect number) of pax to come out and get their day started off right.

Lastly, I know people don't comment on these BBs anymore, but our beloved Comz Q makes me do them for some reason.  So to make it somewhat interactive, I have reviewed my own workout and will put the comments throughout the THANG.

Circle Up on Bball Court

#disclaimer (I have to say, this was lacking a bit as I did not recognize a FNG…but due to the quick observance of the Pax, we recovered to give a short but adequate disclaimer)

SSH x 20 (IC)

Cotton Picker x 20 (IC)

IST x 20 (IC)

           (This is by far the best warmorama that there ever has been and ever will be.)

Move to tennis courts (Yeah, i type these up the night before.  The Force or Sweet C could have 1…let me know they close the tennis courts now or 2 bring your friggin key fob!!!)

Back to basketball


Move to Hugh Mcaully

Bear Crawl/Crab Walk up back and forth with a run up the hill.

Pause for M The Force to drive by

Return to bear and crab walking


Grab Rocks all x 15 (IC)



Chest Press

Shoulder Press

Skull Crushers

Repeato x 2

(It is chest press!)

Back to the court relay races

Bear crawl relay

Crab walk relay (at this point, two lonely sad clowns moseyed by to talk a bit.  One attempted half a crab walk, the other stood their and admired the awesomeness that is a F3 Bootcamp.  Neither contributed anything positive to the workout or the community in general.)

Wheelbarrow relay

Broad jump burpee relay


Dodgeball (yeah, i need to rethink this one…more balls, less sand…fences behind.  Oh maybe on the tennis courts would work.  oh wait…)

Loser of each point gets 5 burpees

Winner gets 5 merkins

(Yeah, scratch all that, we just did 10 burpees OYO and went to mary.)


Mary: Some low flutters, some balancing stuff, some cruncy leg in leg out thingys, some weird usain bolt warmup looking merkins from travolta, some thing memorable by olaf, and the Snake Eyes special to end.

And that is how your morning went.  Leave your comments in the comments section and dont forget to subscrbe!


Oh, and not to forget Wilderness goers..Redemption starts back at NY bagel next thursday…so head out from the workout and get your 3rdF on!

Last thing…find a way to get to one of our 3rdF options over the next few weeks.  Maybe you have everything right and don't need it, but if so, the Pax need you.  Make it a priority to share this gift, when we can step out of our comfort zone and embrace something bigger than MY life, MY problems, MY needs, the dynamite happens.  Be that for somebody, they are praying for it.
