KB the 13th

Event Date

Oct 13, 2017




FNG-1 is Iron Horse. Welcocme to the cure for the common soccer arms


Adhoc'd some parts so definitely could have omitted something. 


25x SSH IC

10x windmills IC


Grabbed a workout from the front seat and put to a vote, 11’s it is


Round 1

KB Goblet Squats & Russian Swings


Spotted a lonewolf with KBs at the typical Launchpad so ran to get him, welcome Iron horse


Round 2  

Row left & Row right


Wait it is Friday the 13th and 11’s become 13’s


Round 3

KB Deadlifts & Sidewinders


Round 4

KB Floor presses & KB Overhead sit-ups


Round 5

Inside knee Curls Right & Left


 Mixed in 2 x 60 second planks between rounds to stretch the back out …. Who knew that planking would feel so good


Psalms 3: 5-6

5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;

6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.a



  • Missed the regulars this morning but glad to have Iron Horse join us to sling some iron
  • Did venture out to run a bit in the rain as homage to the fun runners. Spork putting in mile (s) pre KBs t-claps
  • #BarbieKBs