The woods are dangerous – Disclaimer, Q!

Event Date

Oct 14, 2017


FNG Paul Day was also in attendance, not on the website yet.

6, wait…7, no…8 pax fought the soccer crowds at BRP to find solace in their shared pain on the disc golf course. DriveThru and Jethro buzzed the tower (unauthorized) during warm-o-rama, both with busy mornings ahead of them. T-claps!  2 more pax flew in at 7:15 (Titan) and 7:35am (FNG-Paul, all the way from Harrisburg).  Again, t-claps! It would have been just as easy to meet us at Madelyn's coffeeshop, just ask Blackbeard who pulled his first #Starsky…but thanks for covering our coffee!

Warmorama:  Mosey with Moses to the basketball courts for SSH x15, windmills x10, knee-ups x10, man-maker merkins x10, and monkey-humpers x10.

Used heavy rope for arm/shoulder work (10-12 seconds) each person while the pax did Peter Parkers from their elbows around the paint on the basketball court.  Repeato for 6-7 seconds.  Mosey to the 1st disc golf hole.

Thang: Captains Master Po and Jazz Hands selected teams as follows:

  • Master Po:  Kid Rock, Jersey Boy…Titan was a late add on 3rd hole
  • Jazz Hands:  M-16 (the gunner), Moses…Paul was added on 10th hole

Captains choice format, each teammate throwing in succession. After every throw and miss, exercises performed as follows.

  • 1st, 4th, and 7th holes…: 10 man-maker merkins 
  • 2nd, 5th, and 8th holes…: 10 monkey humpers
  • 3rd, 6th, and 9th holes…: 10 knee-ups

Note that all team mates must complete exercises before the next throw. The winner for the hole was the team to put the disc in 1st.  Total throws did not matter.

Master Po masterfully led his team to victory, despite the obvious sabotage from Kid Rock and Jersey Boy. It was pretty close until Rick (YHC) rolled an ankle on a root; result? writhing and roiling in pain and girl like screaming until he realized others were watching.  Chaos ensued and Team Jazz Hands lost that hole and the next, just before time was called.

Mosey with Moses back to the basketball courts for more fun with the heavy rope.  Losing team was on the rope for 20 seconds each while the winning team was on the rope for 10 seconds each.  While waiting, the pax stayed in elbow plank and did Peter Parker exercises. 

Mary – incl. Low flutter x10, low dolly x10, homer-to-marge 4, high flutter x10, rosalita x10

Makhtar N'diaye x15. High plank, side plank, high plank, side plank, elbow plank.  RECOVER!


  1. Who emerges from the gloom at 0657?  M-16!  Jersey Boy, Master Po, and Jazz Hands instantly welcomed him to his apparent 1st workout…well done, men.  If you only knew the Jumping M-16…  Maybe you could Q at BRP in the coming weeks?  I'm sure we could find some room for you on the Q calendar.  Then the story of M-16's first workout in Sept 2011 ensued while we took off to the basketball courts.  Great to see you for the workout and coffeeteria.
  2. For all of you who know JazzHands as The General's, Angry Bird, he's so happy when he's not the Q.  Just thought you should know.
  3. Does Jersey Boy (War Daddy) ever not give 100%?  Dude, you're a great inspiration for all us young people. I hope I can still walk when I'm your age…never mind all those companies that are targeting men your age and 'those' issues.
  4. M-16 artfully got his team another skin on the 10th hole, but it just wasn't enough to counter the Master and his team.
  5. Team Master Po was happy to see Titan emerge (albeit late) from the gloom and even happier when it was his turn to throw the disc, because that meant his hands were on the disc.
  6. FNG Paul made a strong 1st showing after an EH on Wednesday this week, with no follow-up from YHC. Nickname at your next post.  Bring a friend, because you gotta give away what was given to you.

t-claps, M-16 for taking us out in fine form.

Prov 27:17