Skipper’s Clubhouse of PAIN

Event Date

Oct 14, 2017


5 came to see what Skipper had in store.  FNG was actually a brother from the Charleston area, Blind Date.

Warm Up:


10 IC Front Lunge

10 IC Copperhead Squat

10 IC Windmills

Indian Run to Clubhouse; Last PAX drops and gives us 3 Merkins and Sprints to the front of the line

Clubhouse of Pain

Leg fun:

PAX lines up behind Skipper looking down the long parking lot at all the white parking spot lines.  Let's play Follow the Skippa.

Round 1: 1-Legged Bounds; Bound forward to each line landing on one foot; alternating feet length of parking lot & back

Round 2: Sideways Squat Jump to each line; length of parkng lot Left; Repeat Right back

Round 3: Long Jumps Forward to middle of parking space; Long Jump backwards to top of space; There & Back

Round 4: Running Flutter Kicks length of parking lot; Butt Kickers length of parking lot; High Knees length of lot and then Skipper hops back to original spot

Partner Mirrors

Round 1: Each partner lines up on opposite end of parking lot; Crabwalk till meet your partner in the middle; WalkCrab back

Round 2: Inchworms to partner & back

Mosey to Tennis Court Hill/Rock Pile

Pick a rock ya' Momma would be proud of…..

10 IC Skull Crushers

At bottom of Tennis Court Hill: One partner runs around the tennis court, while other does….

Round 1: Rock above head run up the hill; Mosey back repeats

Round 2: 2-Handed Squat Rock Throw up the hill; Mosey back repeats

Round 3: Roll your rock up the hill; Mosey back repeats

Round 4: Rock Groiner Thrusts up the hill; Mosey back repeats

Round 5: Sideways plank walk up the hill & back repeats

10 IC Skull Crushers

Indian Run to Front Lot

3-Minutes of Burpees



15 IC Box Cutters

15 IC Jane Fondas L & R

15 IC Freddie Mercury

:30 Mason Twist


I forgot to bring the reflection, however I was reminded again this week of a song by Mandisa (I think its them) about being "Unfinished"  We are all unfinished goods, and he calls upon us to leverage the strengths of others to complete us.  


  – T-Claps to Blind Date for posting with us and having some fun at the same time.  I'm sure he'll repay the favor when we vacation down his way

 – Mulligan makes a rare appearance and we are reminded that he is quite beastly

 – Dandelion LOVES crabwalks

 – Retread kills the workout as usual, and always supplies great insights

 – Great to see everyone out at the Sailview 5k yesterday.  Even Mustang.