Music was loud & we beat the rain – Davidson

Event Date

Oct 16, 2017

Pax not above: Napster, Heister, Quamy, Abba.

Warmorama – SSH IC, Downward Dog/Straddle Stretch and off we go to Davidson Track

SwampThing question: "where's the suitcase speaker you said you were bringing….?"  Don't worry it's coming….

Da Thang:

  • Before getting to track, Bear Crawl around and island in the parking lot.
  • Head into the track and unveil the speaker suitcase to the Pax.  Lot's of oooh's and aaah's.  
  • Snake run up and down 3/4 of the stands all to "Gonna Fly Now" (Rocky Theme) loud enough so we could hear it throughout the run, and our friends doing their own workout down the way could as well.  #nocampuspolice
  • Repeat snake coming back.
  • Next….
    • Australian Pull Ups X 10IC
    • Derkins X 10IC
    • Austrailian Pull Ups X 8IC
    • Derkins X 8IC
    • Australiian Pull Ups X 6IC
    • Derk…..oh wait, scratch that…we are heading to the top of the stands.
    • The dreaded – Bear Crawl down (going forward) the stands one seat at a time.  This completely sucks!  A lot of BS calls here, but YHC, as did others, proved this can be done!  While some opted for the backwards bear crawl, that's good enough by me!
  • Mosey over to lot behind Basketball Arena
    • Get on a parking line in the middle of the lot.
      • LOW bear crawl (knees are 2 inches off ground) to other side of line (it's basically two parking spots).
      • Sideways High Knees back along line – we went for getting like 40-50 high knees across.  
        • Repeato
      • Inch worm back along line
      • Alternating Lunge Jumps along line
        • Repeato
  • Partner Up
    • P1: Run up hill to stop sign and back
    • P2: Hand release merkins
    • Repeato until both reach 100 HR merkins.
  • Run back to Green while trading off who carries suitcase speaker
  • 10 Burpees OYO
  • Mary X 3 mins
  • Recover Recover


  • While 30 Pax from last Tuesday is great, 11 for today is perfect!  Great fellowship and accountability!  All of the Pax crushed it today!
  • Ranger thought I audibled 1st exercise with Bear Crawl around island – it would have been a great audible, but I actually scoped this out 10 minutes prior to the workout when I dropped the speaker off in the stadium.  Although I am known to make stuff up as we go, but not today. Besides – we needed to get our arms warmed up for what was to come today.
  • Bijoux turns 40 tomorrow – head out to the Green tomorrow (Tuesday) for his Q to celebrate!  He was on my tail the entire time throughout the stadium snake but now that I know he's 5+ years younger, I'm okay with that!
  • Lesson learned – when you carry the speaker, the Q (YHC) who is carrying the phone has to be in close proximity in order for music to continue.  Thanks Swampthing for the lesson learned.
  • Bear crawls down stadium – complete BS, I admit it!
  • Great job by everyone today men!  I hope you are better now than you were when you woke up this AM…while we might be physically more tired, that means we worked hard, and mentally, we are ready to take on the day.
  • I had a great time Q'ing 3 times in Davidson this Month, and I have off for the rest of the month to enjoy some other Q's.  If you haven't Q'd before, or it's been a while, get out of your comfort zone and step up!

Until next next time – Ditka's out!