Don’t Stare Into the Light


The stars were out this morning at North Meck Park, but it was still very dark…until we hit the soccer fields. 15 PAX did their best not to stare directly into the light…this is their story.



We began with a slow mosey down to the tennis court parking lot – not the typical warm-o-rama spot, I know.

  • SSH x 20 (IC)
  • IST x 10 (IC)
  • CP x 10 (IC)
  • Toy Soldier x 10 (IC)
  • Mountain Climber x 10 (IC)



We took a quick stop at the rock pile to grab a travelling buddy and proceeded to the soccer fields. The field had a runway laid out and lit up. Meaning, there were lights lined up, oddly like a ladder, roughly 10 yards apart from each other. Thank goodness we had these lights because we did a lot of work using these lights. (everything is IC unless otherwise noted; also, we typically did an exercise at each light then some form of movement to get to the next set of lights where we did another exercise, etc.)


  • Merkins x 5, bear crawl, M x 5, BC, M x 5, BC, M x 5, BC, M x 6 (got lost, sorry)
  • CDD x 10, Broad jumps, CCD x 8, BJ, CCD x 6, BJ, CCD x 4, BJ, CCD x 2
  • Glute bridge x 5, Crab Walk, GB x 4 CW, GB x 3, CW, GB x 2, CW, GB x 1
  • Monkey Humpers x 10, walk, MH x 8, W, MH x 6, W, MH x 4, W, MH x 2


Then we grabbed our rocks

  • Curls x 10, Zamparinni, C x 8, Z, C x 6, Z, C x 4, Z, C x 2
  • Skull crushers while walking back (x 15)


Then we grabbed a partner

  • P1: ran a ladder P2: plank jacks
    • Flip flop
  • P1: ran a ladder P2: mactar Jai
    • Flip Flop


Picked up the rocks again

  • Squat Presses x 5, Lunge Walk, SP x 4, LW, SP x 3, LW, SP x 2, LW, SP x 1
  • Chest Press x 10 (with low flutter), Twinkle toes walk (walking on your tip toes), CP x 8, TTW, CP x 6, TTW, CP x 4, TTW, CP x 2


Relay Race:

  • Previous partner “1’s” lined up on the right / previous partner “2’s” lined up on the left
    • Single file line on each side
  • First person runs to each light (4) and does 1 burpee at each light then runs straight back
    • Partner 1 line REALLY struggled with this concept
  • Once back the next person begins and the previous burpee-er goes to the end of the line
  • While the line waits SSHs were being done
  • The partner 2 line clearly won



Unfortunately we ran out of time – the chest presses with low flutters had to suffice for our Mary, today. My apologies.



So the soccer fields were quite wet and it really was pretty dark. Hopefully the lights helped everyone. I know there were some cold hands at the beginning…a “nice” Q would’ve asked everyone to bring gloves – hopefully a “nice” Q comes along.


It was great to see an FNG come out strong. I think he’s planning to Q Java on Thursday…or did I hear that wrong?


As always, I love the opportunity to run around NMP. It’s certainly my favorite AO. Thank you to Stromboli for the opportunity to lead this group. It was a great morning and I look forward to the next one.