A studly group of men for the Standard- Oyster, Outlaw, Smores, Aussie and Callahan. 

Two FNGs today- Nate Bishop and Aaron Ringel. Aaron, a mountain of a man, is now named Atlas. Heely was there as well. 

YHC had an amazing workout planned until Outlaw decided to show up and spoil the party. The inverse correlation between the number of Pax posting and the number of burpees expected is remarkable. Which is why I just remarked on it.


Mosey to parking lot in front of Dick's. One lap around lot with high knees, butt-kickers, and karoake along the way

One legged SSHs 20x IC each leg (Mumblechatter meter: 7/10)

Toy Soldiers 20x IC

IST 10x IC

THE SHINOLA: In honor of 'Murican made watches. Pax circle up and act like the hand on a watch, moving around the dial in sync, doing merkins along the way. Pax get some space and hold plank position all facing same direction- 12:00. On Q's call rotate to 3:00 while planking and then do 3 single counts merkins (down…1, down…2, down…3). Continue to hold plank and on Q's call rotate to 6:00 and do 6 single count merkins. Then rotate to 9:00 with 9 merkins and back to 12:00, finishing with 12 merkins. I was proud of myself for coming up with this one until Outlaw burst my bubble and said this had been introduced 5 years ago… and since retired

Onto some partner work



Partner Up.

Partner 1 runs lap around parking lot while partner 2 jump squats.

Flapjack until each team of partners does 300 jump squats

Plank when done, wait for the 6


Partner 1 runs lap around parking lot while partner 2 does Mohammed Ali's. 

Flapjack until each team of partners does 400 Mohammed Ali's (single count)

Plank when done, wait for the 6


Mosey to movie theater

Australian mountain climbers 10x IC (Mumblechatter meter: 8/10)

Partner Up.

Partner 1 runs lap around parking lot while partner 2 does merkins. 

– Flapjack until each team of partners does 200 merkins

Plank when done and wait for the 6


Partner 1 runs 1 lap around parking lot while partner 2 does People's Chair. 

– Flapjack

Plank when done and wait for the 6


Mosey to fountain in front of movie theater

Partner Up.

Partner 1 does 50 dips while partner 2 does 25 lunges

Flapjack until each partner has done 100 dips and 50 lunges


Circle Up 


Low flutter 25x IC

Pretzel crunch 15x IC

Hold Superman for 45 seconds

Recover Recover



– Nice work today, strong turnout and effort. The mumblechatter meter spiked a few times but nothing a few laps around the parking lot couldn't cure

– Thankful that Magnus father-in-law is home from hospital and recovering from Pancreatis

– Praying for Devo's dad who is dealing with more health complications

– Praying for the Kocmond family in South Charlotte, who is dealing with the loss of their son

– Great to be back at Hollywood for the day. Thank you for the opportunity to Q Deep Dish

– Holiday, thanks for taking care of The Mighty Oak today. Great to hear Schneider was back out there

– Make it out to Shag Night on Friday if you can!! 


Swing State