Big turnout at the Gladiator

YHC was so excited to see so many PAX showing up eager to work hard this morning…don't typically get a large group at my Q's, which i am starting to take offense to…but I digress….here's what we did:


Mosey around the lot a bit


Cotton pickers




Grab a block.

Walk and curl to first suicide stop


Put block down

Sprint back

10 burpees


Go back to get block

Walk and curl to next stop (round 3, 4, 5 we curled and pressed the block)

Sprint back and do 10 burpees


To the pull up bars and partner up.


Partner one does 10 pull ups and 20 mountain climbers Partner 2 runs to block (100 yards) and does 10 thrusters.

We changes up the Mountain climber to some jump squats, etc and even through in some burpee pull ups.


Repeat x  4 with a break for Merkins in between


Over to the blocks.

Rocky Balboas

Incline merkins

sprint about 100 yards

Mountain climbers

sprint back

Repeato x 3


Low Flutters

pretzel crunches


  • Enjoy the Gladiator, easy access to blocks, big parking lot and pull up bars…what else do you need (besides a 45 pound KB sometimes!)
  • Great work by all, loved the big group today
  • Had issues with phone charging, sorry for lack of music that i always bring, I know Caboose likes to hear Wagon Wheel when i Q
  • If you don't Q or haven't in a while, sign up!


Bam Bam