Six Five Six Seven

Event Date

Oct 18, 2017

When one theorizes about 'how' to run a Q, 'partnering' is potentially pondered by the prospective Q.  WITH that said, YHC was delighted to find five others as we neared the 5:30 launch time, only to discover that the venerable Cupcake would be unable to participate in said post due to some sniffles (although his avoidance of the warm and comfy fartsack is to be highly commended).  A slight wrinkle was now hurled into the previously ironed, flawlessly flat, pool of piss smooth Q.  What does one do?  Please read on to learn the answer inquiring minds want to know…

Warm ups: Mozy acrost (little kudos to Honeymoon there) the street to the parking lot.  COP (IC) SSH 20, IST's 10, (NOTE: @Chief shows up out of the darkness to make us six again, thank the Lord) CP's 10, MC's 15, Mericans 10, Scorpions 5 each foot.  Mozy towards THE FLAG, COP SDS 10 IC, head to wall.

The Thang: Pardner up, one man does preacher's chair against the wall as his pardner reps out Mericans until exhaustion (until another CANNOT/WILLNOT/simply cahnt be done).  Switch, do four sets overall.  Mozy to FLAG.  PLEDGE.  Pardner up, one partner (standing) does leg throwdowns, other partner holds the ankles of the thrower, and repeatedly raises legs only to be thrown back down to the ground. Go until exhaustion, switch, 4 sets total.  Mozy to back wall, REjected, plan B.  Mozy back to wall near FLAG, pardner.  One does PREACHER chair as other does SINGLE LEG squats until exhaustion, switch, do 4 sets total, 2 sets each of left and right leg.  Plank to coalesce.  Mozy to BACK of building parking lot near the company formally known as Trakscan.  Line up, sprint about 80 yards-ish.  Mozy to wall.  Pardner up.  One partner reps out low flutters as other climbs wall, then circles back relieve partner to continue low flutter.  ONCE 400 total reps were achieved, plank to wait.  This package is a mutilated mashed up Hummer 4×4, disquised as a mulitlocular frenetic workout. Mozy to AO.

Mary: (Cupcake rejoins) R/L elbow to opposite knee, 10 IC each side.  Recover, recover.


-To have Cupcake bail, then Chief join….it all just 'came together'.  We had three pairs, which is what we needed.  This also gives us the above title…..get it?

-The PAX dutifully 'worked' each exercise until exhaustion.  This is not fun, not pleasurable, and not painless.  This IS effective, YHC believes.

-Cupcake worked out the entire 45 min, then joined us for the COT AND Coffeeteria, great effort.

-Chief summarized the exceptional event that occurred the previous night, the Speed for Need, which raised money for seemingly high end jog strollers to help folk push others in races, cool concept.

-Lear and Deepend descibed the upcoming overnight hike (Oct. 28-29) up some mountain in western NC.  Should and could be very fun!

-Loveshack, thanks for being my pardner.

-Dewey, thanks for the keys, The Brickyard engine is well oiled, runs smooth, purrrrss like a kitten, and is a pleasure to lead.

-Crack, great work today.  Having a Founder at any workout is always a pleasure!!  (yes…U2 Chief!)