32 legs with 8 men at the Dragonslayer

Event Date

Oct 26, 2017

good to see almost as many of our 4 legged friends as PAX this am!


run around the church stopping a few times for:

Cotton pickers



The thang:

Grab your bell and get to Hell's Ascent

20 KB swings

Quadraphillia up the hill

10 merkins

run down hill and sprint 100 yards

5 burpees

Repeat x 4 

HOWEVER, each time, we incrase the Quadraphillia up the hill by 1 and merkins x 10 at the top.  so by the 4th round you go up 4 times and do 10 merkins each time


10 Tater Squat KB Swings (these are not fun.  It's a KB swing until you get to the top and then you catch the bell and do a squat to overhead press)

Burpee Suicide to 3 islands, increasing the burpee count by one at the far end and then just do one at the starting end/

We added the sprint up the hill to do the burpee on Round 2 and 3, which really sucked.  

Also added some Curls and Low flutter with Press in the mix

NEXT Thang:

10 squats to overhead press

run a short lap

5 tater swing squats

10 squat 

20 low flutter with press

10  curls

run a short lap

Repeat x 3


  • It's getting cold, so not as much sweat, but according the watch, we worked out pretty good
  • 8 men today ready to get after it with people pushing each other…love to see it!
  • 4 dogs as well that took advantage of Baxter, but he doesn't seem to mind

Till next time,

Bam Bam