Hot for (Subtitute) Teacher

Event Date

Oct 27, 2017

Standard Warmup things, inlcuding 10 SLOW windmills.

Partner Up: Partner 1 sprint down parking lot and back while Partner 2 did Ali's on the curb. Repeato for 4 rounds

Circle up with KBs: 50 KB Swings, 50 Hand Release Merkins OYO

Partner 1 side shuffle accross and back stacking another burpee at each side, build stack up to 5 burpees. Partner 2 does infinite flutter kicks while waiting

Circle back up with KBs: 40 KB Snatches, 40 Hand Release Merkins OYO

Partner 1 side shuffle accross and back stacking another burpee at each side, build stack up to 5 burpees. Partner 2 does KB chest presses while waiting

Circle back up with KBs: 30 KB Lawnmowers, 30 Hand Release Merkins OYO

20 KB Skull Crushers, 20 Hand Release Merkins, 20 Monkey Humpers OYO

10 KB Chest Presses, 10 Hand Release Merkins OYO

Mary: 20 Rosalita's



Fun times at The Cauldron today. 

Thanks to the PAX who joined me.  All looked strong as they pushed through the extended HR Merkin sets.

Glad JimmyO could wake up and make to the work out on time.

Bob Ross is at all the southern Huntersville workouts.  Crushing it.

Thanks Spare for allowing me to Q on this great morning. Hope you heel up quick. 

Thanks Eyeore (via Turncoat) for allowing me to barrow your KB this morning. It was real nice.

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